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The descent into GME groupthink: a deep dive

Hi, guys. I know we're trying to limit the old WSB talk, but I've been thinking a lot about the GME threads, and this won't fit as a comment, so I hope it's alright that I post this here. I'm shocked by what the community has become, and I'm sure you're seeing it, too: the onslaught of misinformation, delusion, emotional volatility not unlike GME's volatility, and (since Friday) sells at massive losses and debt... Oof. It hurts to see it. (But I still can't look away.) WSB has experienced massive communal losses like this before, but never like this. How did it go from a simple stocks subreddit to an echochamber of GME hype and conspiracy theorists? The threads from even just a month ago were radically different than what they were a week later, and even more different than they are now. It's fascinating. It certainly raises a lot of questions.
Here's my opinion: The GME community has plunged into groupthink faster than their stock price plunged to the ground (if you're not familiar with groupthink, check this out). But how did this happen so quickly?
Let's take a deep dive.

Forming a collective identity

We'll start at the basics. Formation of a collective identity is a necessary first step; you can't develop groupthink without the group part. From where I see it, WSB as its own collective identity certainly helped speed up the process of forming GME's identity. When the sub boomed, most members were, at first, generally welcoming (if not by old sub members, then by the thousands of new ones pouring in), and the lingo was easy to learn. It was easy to feel apart of the community. Not only that, it was exciting for new subs: GME brought a sense of solidarity. Just check out this thread to see what I mean. Whether their goal was to 'stick it to hedge-funds' or get rich quick, all new subs who didn't know much about investing felt an expectation, and maybe even certainty, in their GME investment: an upward spike was coming, it was only a matter of when.


Rhetoric is very important to a collective identity. It's like an inside joke; other people might not get it, but you and your friends do. I was playing a multiplayer video game the other day, and someone came in the lobby with the username GME. Another player in the lobby got excited when he saw it. He said, "WSB?" and the first person answered, "to the MOOOON!" Instant friendship. Rhetoric strengthens camaraderie. It makes you feel like you're part of the "in" crowd.
This is another reason that the existence of the WSB community probably aided in the rapid formation of GME identity: new subs quickly took on WSB rhetoric. Diamond hands vs. paper hands, to the moon... you get the drift. New investors wanted to feel part of WSB, and rhetoric is one of the easiest ways to do it.
I want to talk specifically about the terms "diamond hands" and "paper hands" for a moment. These are very important terms for the GME identity. Prior to the GME explosion, I think WSB members would agree that diamond hands and paper hands didn't really mean that much. I would even say that diamond hands were viewed somewhat negatively.
Regardless, those terms are loaded with some heavy positive and negative correlations, and without the self-deprecation and self-awareness generally present in WSB, the use of those terms could easily slip into the beginnings of discrimination-- which is exactly what happened when GME took over. To newcomers, diamond hands sounded great! If you're investing in GME, you're not only part of the in crowd: you've got diamond hands. The sellers? They've got paper hands. They suck. You don't want to be one of them; they're gonna wish they were one of you. Now, we're subtly digging deeper into that "us vs. them" narrative.

A sense of urgency

Throughout the GME boom I saw a lot of people ask, "is it too late to get in now?" The general response: No. But you need to get in NOW.
There was a real feeling of time sensitivity, and there was a lot of uncertainty surrounding it: who knows if you missed your only chance in? Easily-swayed, brand-new investors wanted to get in. The idea of making easy money was certainly appealing, and there was an undeniable FOMO factor. When the young investor became interested enough to ask if it's too late and became spammed with comments to get in now, it probably felt like an easy decision to make. It probably made GME profits feel like an inevitability. Who were they to know any better?
Even if our brand-new investor had a chance to profit on GME, there were a lot of red flags in their decision to invest at all. They were emotionally investing, and there's lots of signs that point to it. And just like any emotional investor, once they were in, the easy-swayed, brand-new investor felt the actual implication of investing actual money like they'd never expected. They might have been certain of GME's upward movement before, but now, they felt the dips a lot more. I don't need to tell you how volatile GME's dips were-- they were bad. Our brand-new investor probably tried not to panic; the diamond hands vs. paper hands rhetoric probably played a large role in their ability to stick around. Our new investor didn't want to be a paper-handed fool. And they probably tried to convince other people to get in with the very same rhetoric, too. They had to! Their money was on the line now, and the end goal was to get enough people to invest so that the squeeze will happen, right? Right??
Oh, the squeeze. The very reason for our GME adventure. Because of its role, there was a lot of information being touted about short squeezes, a lot of copy-and-paste action, and a lot of outdated sources. People relied on a website called without much consideration into who was running it, or if it was updating in real time, or even how it would determine if the squeeze had been squozed. Eventually, the message seemed to become: if other people sell when they want to, then the stock price and volume will go down, and hedge-funds will cover their shorts, and our brand-new investor will be left with nothing. That's not fair, right? We can't even squeeze if people aren't buying on the dips, right? We're all in this together, right, guys??
Uh oh. You see where this is going?

Group polarization

Group polarization, which is a common red flag for groupthink, is the tendency of a group to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members. You've seen it: that leftist friend you have starts hanging out with other leftist people, and they become even more leftist.
For the GME-community, mid-to-late January was likely the biggest push for polarization. At this time, we had the emergency of more GME-community "enemies:" the mainstream media and big brokers. MSNBC called the GME movement a terrible idea, hedge-funds cried about their losses on air, interviewees suggested that WSB could be considered insider trading, others called WSB's move cheap and illegal. Shortly after the media attacks, Robinhood and other brokers began to shut down trading. The media coverage sucked, but this was a lot worse. Now, it was personal. GME couldn't trust the news, but now, GME couldn't even trust their brokers.
GME was angry. The threads were spammed. The general sentimentality was hurt, betrayal, mistrust, and war cries: how come hedge-funds are allowed to play dirty tricks but we're not? The news is owned by a bunch of rich guys, so of course they would be against the GME movement. The "us vs. them" narrative dug deeper, and now, it had more meaning: we're the underdogs! We'll fight our way up to the top by ourselves! Us vs. them!
The more that the GME-community grew, and the longer that they gathered in their threads, the more they mistrusted the stock market, and the easier it became to blame a lot of things on them. Not only that, but they felt more right. GME will skyrocket. This is getting national attention because we are succeeding. You can literally see the real-time descent into group polarization in the memes they used: "GME $100 is not a joke" became "GME $1,000 is not a joke," and then $5,000, and then $10,000, and then $20,000..... I believe there are some people out there that genuinely thought GME could break 5 digits. A lot of people genuinely thought it would break $1,000.
Stock peaked Thursday morning around $470, but that wasn't enough for GME. Even after it dipped back down to $200 at close, the community was certain it would boom again. GME $1,000 was not a meme. I can't figure out why, but somewhere before or on Friday, a lot of the community began to believe that $320 was the number to hit. The squeeze would happen after they got back up to $320. People went with it.
Friday morning, the stock struggled to go back up. When the market began to close, GME had one goal in mind: close at $320. Minutes before closing, the GME thread exploded, comments rolling in the thousands per minute, filled with the now-familiar GME rhetoric: "hooooold" and "buy guys! we need you to buy!!" and "GME TO THE MOON!" among many, many others. The ticker looked like a tug-of-war.
Market closed at $328. GME won the battle.
This is exactly where it went downhill fast. GME had an entire weekend to fill until the U.S. market would open again, and their win left them glowing all weekend. Here was the proof that they needed; if they could win a battle, they would win the war. Just take a look at the weekend thread to see what I mean. "Be prepared for the fight next week." "The media is going to try to scare me into selling? Nah." Rocket emojis. "Hold the line." Remember, this was an entire two days of celebrating their win: the more they celebrated, the further polarized they became, and the more they mistrusted everyone else. The romanticism might've been strong before, but it was getting stronger. I saw one comment comparing GME-investors to movie superheroes. MOVIE superheroes. Jesus.
In the midst of their celebrating, what did they do when someone said they should sell?

GME-specific rhetoric and the WSB fracture

Now that GME had effectively polarized itself, it needed some new rhetoric. The WSB stuff just wasn't extreme enough for them anymore. Hedge-funds became hedgies. People who doubted GME were spreading FUD. Hedgie-bots were a huge issue. GME needed to "hold the line." Do you notice a lot of the rhetoric became blatantly war-related? Wonder what the benefit of that could be.
But what about the old WSB community?
Towards the end of January and up through now, the ones who sold their stocks and talked about it were downvoted to hell. The polarized hivemind had decided that anyone who sold for any reason at all were weak, paper-handed, they would regret everything. The ones who cautioned others to do the same were even more so. And don't even think about talking about other stocks. What do you think this is? A subreddit for the whole market?
Some studies suggest that online rhetoric is tied to an increase in aggression. When a user feels like they're part of community identity, they'll behave the way they think they're supposed to, and the way that they see others behave. Our new investor sees someone call someone else a paper-handed tard for selling? Well, they'll do the same. Even if they don't feel that strongly about it, they might do it anyway, just to feel like they belong. It's all pretty much subconscious. There's not a lot of critical thought in the beginnings of groupthink.
If you said GME wasn't going back up, you weren't just wrong, you being wrong made them very angry. I commented something about how people should sell GME and one user replied, "you clearly haven't been paying attention at all. That is the most stupid bullshit I've ever seen. You truly are the tippy top tard of all tards." It's the perfect example for this: using the retard rhetoric, full-on aggression, etc.
Old WSB members were a new enemy of sorts. Anyone who said anything against GME were hedgie-planted bots aimed at creating FUD. (See how complicated this rhetoric is getting as polarization gets stronger?) Any other stocks? Distractions. Stupid bot, the hedgies won't fool me into buying anything else. The entire subreddit served only one purpose: GME, and GME alone. Everyone else can get out.
I think it's clear that we've arrived at the end of the line...

The fall of GME

So, the stock market opened up Monday, and GME charged into battle again. But it didn't go as expected: GME went down fast.
People were getting scared. A lot of them had probably invested a lot more than they were willing to lose-- there were stories of loans taken out, inheritances given early, rent and grocery money being spent. Even if they weren't on the brink of financial devastation, the losses were massive for some. That shit hurts. For emotional investors, it might feel like the end of the world. So, here's our brand-new investor staring at some deep red numbers on the screen, maybe more terrified than they'd like to admit being, wondering where to go next.
Well, good thing our brand-new investor had a daily thread to turn to! What would make them feel better than to settle comfortably into their echo-chamber? Here were users calling them brave and intelligent. Diamond hands! Keep up the good work! Tasty dip, get these discounts! There were copy-and-pasted messages. Our brand-new investor was swayed into buying this easily, so wouldn't they feel reassured this easily, too?
Then came the negative brigade. A lot of people came back for their 'i told you so's: get out while you can, stupid bagholders, can't believe you guys are still holding, etc... To the brand-new investor, these negative comments were like a cold slap of doubt-- at this point in the game, with our investor possibly thousands of dollars under on the first stock trade of their life, they can't handle the doubt. They probably can't even process their losses yet; it cannot possibly be real. The echo-chamber was certainly convinced it wasn't... So, these negative comments must be bots. Nobody really has any doubt. If anyone does, they just have paper-hands.
As the stock fell harder, the GME-community got really desperate. They tried to appeal to your pathos. There was a lot of "if you never sell, you'll never actually lose." A lot of "if DFV isn't selling, I'm not selling," ignoring the fact that DFV had sold more than enough to cover his initial investment. It became downright misinformation: Mark Cuban's comment urging GME-holders to keep holding was frequently turned into "if Mark Cuban isn't selling, I'm not selling." The VW squeeze was referenced several times as a comparison. Here's a great list of the misinformation spewed from someone's post earlier.
This was where the delusion really began to set in. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could be attributed to the fact that GME was steadily falling. At the end of every day, the narrative changed: the squeeze would happen tomorrow. No, the next day. No, sorry, the day after that. No one can be trusted anymore: the news is fake, the negative subs are bots, and hedgies are cheating! That dip was just a short ladder attack. That dip was just the shitty paper hands selling. That one was the hedgies cheating. Thousands of comments rolled in by the minute. Millions were accrued in losses, many by those who couldn't afford it, and yet, the GME-community lashed out at everyone else for doubting them. Wednesday rolled around and the stock could hardly break $100. But WHO were the idiots? The paper hands. The liars. The cheats. GME will return, they said anyway. The media is wrong. There was misdirected anger. Memes rooted in the thought that GME would rocket.
You guys knew the utter delusion that the threads became. I don't think I could describe it well, even if I wanted to. But here's the most delusional comment I've seen, the one I think perfectly sums up the GME-crowd:
"Stop questioning. You are told to buy and hold. Just follow directions."
Stop questioning. Just follow directions.
That is fucking groupthink.

What now?

I could really get into other contributing factors here. There have been a lot of IRL events that have probably been a catalyst for this; we've been seeing a lot of mistrust of the mainstream media, growing support for the rich vs. poor narrative, and mistrust of the government lately. There's been a lot of conspiracy theories and echo-chambers online.
I don't know the future of GME. I also know that there's some truth to the things that the GME-community has said: I'm sure there were bots in the subreddit. I'm sure there was market manipulation. But, like all truths man-handled by groupthink, it was warped beyond belief. Not everyone disagreeing with GME was a bot. Not all downward dips were market manipulation. But that's exactly what they believed.
So, where do we go from here?
There are many implications this phenomenon will have on an individual investing level and, with WSB, on a group-wide level. I hope that investors burned by the GME movement will learn the implications of emotional investing and FOMO-- we've certainly all been there before. I hope GME doesn't continue to become a massive conspiracy similar to Qanon (the rhetoric has evolved to be something scarily similar).
I'm curious to hear what everyone else's thoughts are. Let me know what you think.
submitted by conspiracydaddy to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]

FuboTV DD (First time making DD, please give advice)

I tried to make it easy to skip around if you just want to see the financials or estimates. Just scroll to them if you don't care what the company is or their sectocompetition/management. TL;DR at bottom with final thoughts.
FuboTV ($FUBO) is an American streaming television service that focuses primarily on channels that distribute live sports, including NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS and international soccer, plus news, network television series and movies.
Launched on January 1, 2015 as a soccer streaming service, FuboTV changed to an all-sports service in 2017 and then to a virtual multichannel video programming distributor (vMVPD) model. As a vMVPD, FuboTV still calls itself sports-first but its expanded channel lineup targets cord cutters, offering a selection of major cable channels and OTT-originated features that can be streamed through smart TVs, mobile and tablets and the web. The service is available in the United States, Canada and Spain as of 2018."
From their home page:
They are the only competitors in their space of digital sports broadcasting, offer 4K streaming and upscaling of live sports, cloud DVR capability ranging from 250 or 1000 hours on standard plans, and is available on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Samsung Smart TVs, Xbox One, Android TV, Android Smart TVs, and Android/iOS smartphones and tablets, with plans ranging from $24.99/month to $79.99/month (not including add-ons).
They have also recently acquired one company and have made plans to acquire another to allow for in-house sports betting. They have stated in a press release that they plan to release a sportsbook before the end of the year. This will push them into a broader spectrum outside of only TV and sports streaming, and into the sports betting sector along with DraftKings ($DKNG), FanDuel ($PDYPY), and Penn National Gaming ($PENN).
Plans and Add-ons
FuboTV offers three standardized plans as of February 8, 2021: the Family plan is priced at $64.99/month (normally $75.97/month), Elite at $79.99/month (normally $100.95/month), and Latino Quarterly at $24.99/month, along with offering additional add-ons. Each plan offers a range of channels, cloud DVR capabilities (which allows fast-forwarding through commercials), and casting to multiple devices simultaneously. Only the Elite plan does not offer a 7-day free trial (Channels page).
The Family plan includes 117 channels (mostly news and entertainment with roughly 40 that offer sports, including ESPN), up to 250 hours of DVR space, and casting to 3 devices at once. The quarterly prepaid includes a free upgrade to 1000 hours of DVR space and 5 casting devices at home with 3 on the go (Channels page).
The Elite plan includes 164 channels (includes an additional “47 entertainment channels”), up to 1000 hours of DVR space, and casting to 5 devices at home with 3 on the go. This plan does not offer a quarterly prepaid (Channels page).
The Latino Quarterly plan includes 250 hours of DVR space and can be streamed on up to 3 devices at once, but only has 32 channels. This plan needs to be prepaid every 3 months for a total charge of $74.97 and does not offer a monthly service (Channels page).
Upgrades include additional DVR space--1000 hours for an additional $6.99/month for the Family and Latino Quarterly--and increased device casting--an additional 2 devices at home with 3 on the go for another $9.99/month for the Family and Latino Quarterly plans. You can also add a variety of channels and sports packages (the Latino Quarterly has fewer channel add-ons compared to the Family and Elite plans, which both have the same channel varieties). Sports Plus with NFL RedZone is an additional $10.99/month, but includes all professional and college sports broadcasting services for football, basketball, baseball, hockey, tennis, fighting, etc. (Channels page).
Fubo has recently removed its former Standard plan, which included only 65 channels, up to 2 casting devices, and only 30 hours of DVR support for $60/month.
Financials and Growth
Fubo has yet to file an annual report as they have gone public in October of 2020, but they have filed a 10-Q for Q3 2020. All numbers in thousands.
Between December 31, 2019 and September of 2020, assets have increased from $368,225 to $799,313 (a 117% increase) . Total current assets increased from $17,973 to $58,016, but accounts receivable decreased from $8,904 to $6,975--this may be attributed to the increase in prepaid subscriptions which increased from $1,445 to $12,177 which shows strong customer satisfaction and retention.
Liabilities have increased from $145,049 to $290,376 (a 100% increase). The largest contributors to their liabilities are “Due to related parties” increasing from $665 to $85,847, “Warrant liabilities” increasing from $24 to $28,085, and “Accounts payable” from $36,373 to $61,679. Long-term borrowings have decreased from $43,982 to $25,905.
Subscription revenues increased by $53,433, totaling $92,945 for the year. Total revenues including advertisements and licensing have increased by $61,202, totaling $112,669 for the year and an increase of 47% YOY. Q4 revenue is estimated to be between $94,000 and $98,000 which would be a 77-84% increase YOY.
Subscriber related expenses total $114,315 for the year. Total expenses have totaled $500,249 for the year.
Ended Q3 with 455,000 paid subscribers, a YOY increase of 58%, and plans to end 2020 with over 545,000, an increase of 72% YOY.
Its closest competitors are Hulu + Live TV (owned by Disney ($DIS)), YouTube TV (owned by Alphabet ($GOOG)), and Sling TV (owned by Dish Network ($DISH)).
Hulu + Live TV
YouTube TV
Sling TV Blue
Sling TV Orange
The vMVPD Sector
Cord-cutting has become increasingly popular over the last few years with consumers dropping traditional cable and satellite networks in favor of streaming services--such as Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, etc.--and vMVPD services.
In 2019 alone, 6.3 million people cut their cable connection, totaling 39.3 million. In a survey of what they might miss most from cable networks, 52% said they don’t miss anything, 23% missed live events on TV, 22% missed news, and 19% missed live sports. Although not all of those that miss aspects of cable will pay for another subscription service, the sentiment exists for a sports-focused platform that offers other large networks as well.
Another report by Parks Associates reveals that 17% of vMVPD subscribers switched from traditional TV within the last twelve months. In the same report, a survey conducted on current broadband households determined that 43% were “likely to switch to a… vMVPD within the next 12 months." The potential growth exists for the live digital broadcasting space, although it is slowing down.
With the spread of COVID and quarantines, people have been spending more time at home. When things open and quarantines end, that will be the true test for these providers as people will spend less time watching TV.
The Sports Betting Sector
Legal sports betting has taken a huge leap in recent years with the introduction of online sports betting; the ability to place wagers from anywhere at any time and have instant gratification has boomed with its slow legalization. This sector has a forecasted value of $150 billion with other competitors already having a completed project and vast market share. In 2019, DraftKings ($DKNG) and FanDuel (PDYPY) controlled 83% of the market share.
FuboTV plans to join into this space with its own sportsbook. Their recent acquisition of Balto Sports in December of 2020, whose business was in simulating fantasy sports games, is Fubo’s first step into sports wagering. They plan to create a free-to-play gaming system alongside online sports wagering.
Their next planned acquisition, which was announced in January of 2021, will be to acquire Vigtory, a sports betting and interactive gaming company. According to BusinessWire, they plan to utilize Vigtory’s “sportsbook platform and digital gaming assets, and its consumer-driven betting technology, to develop a frictionless betting experience for fubo’s customers."
These recent acquisitions set Fubo up to create an all-in-one viewing and betting experience, which could add new customers to their subscriber list and seal them into online wagering.
It has been over two years since the Supreme Court has denied the federal ban on sports betting, which would have made online betting illegal in all of the United States. Currently, more than two dozen states have legalized sports betting, but most have only legalized in-person betting. More states may be willing to legalize to take advantage of the increased revenues and taxes associated with gambling and online wagering. As of 2020, six additional states plan to legalize some form of betting, although some are only allowing in-person. There are an additional 14 states that are considering the notion to allow legal gambling, whether in-person, online, or tribal.
Management and Investors
David Gandler - CEO / Director / Co-Founder
Appointed as CEO and director in April of 2020. Prior to Fubo, Gandler had a 15 year career in marketing and advertising in local broadcast and cable TV within both general and Hispanic markets at companies such as Time Warner, Telemundo, and Scripps Networks Interactive.
Alberto Horihuela - CMO / Co-founder
In charge of marketing, Horihuela was head of Latin America for SVOD service DramaFever.
Simone Nardi - CFO
Nardi has worked as SVP and CFO of Scripps Networks Interactive where he was responsible for the finance and strategic planning for the company’s international business. Was also a key player in refinancing TVN S.A.’s billion dollar debt.
Large Investors
Analysts and Estimates
Average analyst ratings put Fubo at a Buy to Strong Buy rating with an average price target of $45.50 with a high of $60 and a low of $30. EPS estimates are estimated to be -5.23 for 2020 and -1.64 for 2021.
Currently has a short float of about 75%, but the short volume has been holding at roughly 15-20% over the last month and has drastically declined from its October short volume of over 50%.
Originally valued at $700 million less than a year ago, a current valuation of $3.19 billion is respectable for this company and is on par for its current performance.
Final Thoughts / TL;DR
With its drastic growth over the last year (400% in the last 4 months), support from FaceBank and well-known investors, and plans to join the sports betting sector, FuboTV has potential to become a household name and grow well beyond its current valuation by combining both sports broadcasting and online sports betting into one convenient place. Although unlikely to overthrow any of the current forces, it can become the best live sports broadcaster that people can turn to when they cut cable but want to keep live sports. It has many hurdles to overcome (creating their sportsbook, better marketing, increasing subscriber count, etc.) before it is any real competition to its already established competition.
At a $3.19 billion market cap and very high (75%) short interest, it will be very difficult to realize consistent growth, but it is on par for a company with almost $100 million in revenue.
My Position
25 shares at $47.30

Edit: edited final thoughts/TL;DR
Please provide feedback! First time actually researching and compiling information for a company and not just reading about them on here. Also, please ask questions to clear up any confusion; it was kinda hard to put everything together neatly, so I might have accidentally left stuff out or oveunder explained some things.
submitted by AlbibiG to stocks [link] [comments]

Circumstances don't matter. Time doesn't matter. You can have exactly who you want.

I'm so happy I get to share a success story with you all! Reading others' stories has helped me so much through my own process and I hope mine will do the same for someone else. Sorry for the long post I just want to be thorough in case someone can be helped with it!
Early this morning I essentially got exactly what I'd been affirming what was already mine. A text from him asking if he could call me, a long conversation with everything I wanted to hear and more, a reconciled relationship and promises of a future together. The only thing standing between us now are COVID-related travel restrictions imposed by his work/our own hesitancy to travel during the pandemic (we are fairly long distance), but we are still officially back together and there's no doubt in my mind that things are unfolding as I want them to.
I don't want to repeat too much of the old story, but my boyfriend and I did break up, and trust me when I say there were plenty of circumstances that initially made me feel like this was impossible to come back from. There was no animosity or cheating but everything felt completely out of my control. I would also like to add that I spent a month being absolutely crazy, obsessive, texting/calling him endlessly, it was pretty bad. I was a desperate, low self-esteem mess. I felt helpless and was monumentally depressed until about 6 weeks post breakup when I found Neville.
Almost immediately I was able to connect the dots between my own awful mental diet and the circumstances of our breakup. Initially it felt awful to see how every negative thought about myself and our relationship unfolded almost verbatim from my brain when he broke up with me. As I read and learned more about the law of assumption this feeling faded and was replaced with a little bit of hope. If I created this bad situation, I could create a good one.
As I was totally new to the concepts of manifestation/the law of assumption, I started by building faith that it was real with things I didn't have resistance to. Manifesting gifts, coupons for free things, money/lottery ticket wins, revising arguments with friends/family, bringing home my lost dog, minor changes in my physical appearance... all came easily to me. My process for these things was simple. Imaginal act/SATS focused before bed, and then simply living as if and affirming to myself about these things. The "I remember when" technique was super helpful for me if I had a moment of doubt from the 3D.
While I was building my faith, I kept my SP in kind of a "bubble" in my mind. I knew what I wanted with him, but I realized that thinking about him too much made me obsess and spiral and I needed to take a step back. I spent time manifesting other things as well as improving my self concept. I cannot tell you enough how good it feels to finally put myself on a pedestal, to acknowledge all of my good qualities, and to feel deserving of happiness and love for the first time in my life.
When I felt confident enough, I applied the same scene Neville used when he was manifesting his wife. I imagined going to bed next to my SP every night. I imagined in the first person, seeing a wedding ring on my hand when I touched his face. Personally, I didn't "loop" the scene, but just envisioned and felt the quiet peacefulness of falling asleep next to him.
During the daytime, I mostly focused on other things. I lived in the 3D and 4D simultaneously, doing what I needed to do in the world of Caesar while acknowledging that the life I focused on internally was just as real. I assumed the state of being with him, of being the woman who gets exactly what she wants. Of course, I had a few bad days. I had doubts. I allowed myself to feel and then affirmed that one bad moment does not negate my progress. It's okay to falter, you just need to pick yourself back up and persist. Literally two days before he reached out to me I had a rough/sad day - it's okay, I promise!
How I personally knew I had reached the state/sabbath:
"Brazen impudence" as Neville called it. Of course he's mine, of course this is inevitable. There is simply no other possibility. When I saw cute couples, I no longer felt the tinge of pain and jealousy in my stomach, it was replaced with happiness and thoughts of how it reminded me of myself and SP. I was very content, I did not care about the old story, and I was no longer obsessed. I had dreams about him where everything I desired played out perfectly - I don't believe that these were "signs" or "premonitions" in the superstitious/power outside of us way, but definitely a good indicator that my subconscious mind had been impressed. I felt this way despite literally zero contact from him/no "movement" in the 3D until the moment he messaged me to talk, completely out of the blue. There is movement behind the scenes!
I don't want to specify how much time it took after I learned about the law of assumption because I don't want anyone reading this to compare their journey to mine and feel like they're doing something wrong if it's taking more time. There is no race. They're yours. When I got frustrated with the time it was taking, I learned two time-related comparisons that helped me:
  1. "Live" television is never really live. There's a delay so the station can control what is broadcast. You are living with that short delay. Just because your SP doesn't appear in your room in a puff of green smoke the instant you think of them does not mean they're not yours.
  2. When you buy something online, it is yours even though, again, it didn't appear in your room instantly out of a portal in the wall the moment you clicked "confirm purchase". It's yours, you know it exists and it's in a package with your name on it on it's way to you. You don't go outside every 5 seconds to look in the mailbox. It is simply yours.
I also want to point out a few things that I did that I felt were detrimental to the process and my mental health/obsession with manifesting my SP. If you do these, please don't panic, it is just my personal experience and how I was affected negatively.
  1. Constantly looking for external reassurance. As I wrote above, I did get frustrated with the time that it took/not immediately seeing results initially in the 3D. If you experience this too, I highly recommend not immediately running to text your friends/post on Reddit/Facebook about old circumstances and this and that and the other begging someone to tell you it's going to be okay. Please learn to reassure yourself. You are the operant power, God is within you, and nobody can manifest for you. Make a list of your favorite Neville quotes, Bible verses, affirmations, even bookmark a video or two on Youtube to rewatch when you are feeling low. This leads me into my second point:
  2. Do not oversaturate yourself with law of assumption content. Read Neville, listen to Neville lectures, and by all means if you like a few channels on Youtube that discuss the LoA don't be afraid to watch them. The issue comes with subscribing to 100 different channels each with their own techniques and limiting beliefs and conflicting teachings that will confuse you and end up making things so much more complicated than they need to be. One limiting belief from one channel sent me into a funk for a few days - be careful what you watch, and be careful how much you watch. Watching videos =/= manifesting. The best thing to do is to test things for yourself instead of piling on more information you already know explained in 200 different ways.
One final note, if you are in the throes of SP Sadness, please do not buy coaching from anyone. They cannot bring your person to you. Only you can. I don't have a personal issue with coaching, but if you are going into any of this thinking there's some magic wand that someone else can wave that will poof your desires into the 3D instantly you will be disappointed and out a few hundred dollars. I see a lot of desperation and while it is completely understandable and valid and I get it, I hate to see people being taken advantage of at their low points. Give yourself time to learn and practice on your own. If I can do this, anyone can.
Thank you for reading, thank you to everyone who has shared their own success stories and inspired me and kept me going, and thank you for being such a kind and supportive community. I'm happy to answer any questions in the replies but remember - your circumstances do not matter! 💖
submitted by arugulafan69 to nevillegoddardsp [link] [comments]

[Standard] Jeskai Showdown of the Skalds

Welcome to Jeskai Skalds. This is an assertive midrange deck focused on capitalizing on the incredibly powerful saga: Showdown of the Skalds. The deck's primary plan is to apply early pressure and interaction while setting up for devastating combo-like turns with the second and third lore counters.
I have currently piloted the deck to mythic #341 with a 74% win rate over 61 matches of BO3. It has felt like it has almost no weak matchups outside of maybe Rakdos yoink and sac decks. It performs well against pretty much every version of Yorion. It is strong against Gruul adventures with the caveat that they tend to run away with the game if you can't interact with their brushfire elementals. Strong against rogues. It is a coin flip in the mirror against other Showdown of the Skald decks like Naya and straight Boros. This is a link to the deck's stats on untapped.
The Deck:
4 Giant Killer
4 Sprite Dragon
4 Hengegate Pathway
4 Riverglide Pathway
4 Robber of the Rich
2 Mountain
3 Shepherd of the Flock
4 Crash Through
3 Temple of Enlightenment
2 Plains
4 Raugrin Triome
4 Needleverge Pathway
4 Showdown of the Skalds
4 Shock
1 Temple of Epiphany
4 Bonecrusher Giant
3 Skyclave Apparition
2 Fight as One
// Sideboard
3 Glass Casket
2 The Royal Scions
3 Disdainful Stroke
3 Drannith Magistrate
3 Ox of Agonas
1 Skyclave Apparition
Showdown of the Skalds
Showdown is the impetus for the deck. The card is of course incredibly strong by itself with any deck plan. However, there are a couple of ways to take its effects and turn them up to ten. This deck is looking to really capitalize on the second two lore counters through haste creatures & cheap spells.
The Haste Threats
Haste creatures in combination with showdown allow the deck to spend a lot less time on set up turns. It can allow the deck to generate game ending threats from an empty board which is especially important given the high quality of interaction and sweepers present in the format.
Robber of the Rich is the weaker of the two hasters. However, it still applies pressure if left unchecked so it tends to be a strong early play to eat up interaction from the opponent.
Sprite Dragon is where the money is at. It is the reason we are playing blue at all. The combination of its own counter ability and the Skalds trigger to add counters causes it to become an absolutely dominant threat. Sprite Dragons are often in the 5/5 to 10/10 range in this deck and can frequently kill in one to two hits.
Cheap Spells
The deck is playing more "low impact" spells than your average deck in standard. We are playing 4 Shocks, 4 Crash Throughs, and 2 Fight as One. The shocks are very rarely played now due to Bone Crusher Giant. These cheap spells, while not impressive on there, own synergize well with both Sprite Dragon and Showdown they allow us to almost always convert every card exiled with Showdown into actual cards and multiple counters when Sprite Dragon is on the board. Lets look at each choice:
Shock is by far the best instant/sorcery at one mana available in our colors. It actually gain a lot of equity because of Bone Crusher Giant. People are used to stomp replacing it so they rarely play around one red mana left up. In addition when you play 4 Shock and Four stomp you have a potential 16 points of burn in your deck which is no joke when you see so many cards from Showdown
Crash Through is the choice based on its ability to can trip. The deck would play Opt, but it puts too many restrictions on the mana base. There is some minor upside with the trample as creatures can get massive in this deck.
There are also two Fight as Ones in the deck as I have found the effect to be particularly potent at protecting Sprite Dragon. In addition the deck has a good spread of non-human and humans so it often finds both targets.
We are still playing with Throne of Eldraine so we of course have access to the busted adventure creatures. They are additionally strong in this deck as they give you two spells to trigger Showdown. It also means that we get to play a creature weighted deck that still has 25 non-creature spells in it for Sprite Dragon.
Bone Crusher Giant I have already mentioned a couple of times but it is of course insane. At this point it doesn't need to be explained but, suffice it to say, this card completely slaps.
Giant Killer plays incredibly well in the deck as its creature half is reasonable and cheap which works with Skalds very well. In addition Chop Down is incredibly strong in the meta right now. Every red deck has at minimum four Bone Crusher Giants, every green deck is full of targets, and thanks to Yorion pretty much every blue and/or white deck has a playset of 4/5 fliers running around.
Shepherd of the Flock is the final adventure creature we play. It is played over Brazen Borrower both due to its superior synergy and the fact that it stresses the mana base less. Shepherd on the front side is an acceptable body that can deal damage and trade up with a few creatures. The real money is the additional spell which triggers Sprite Dragon, protects your threats, and most importantly can re-buy Showdown of the Skalds.
Skyclave Apparition is here as the deck's universal answer to most of the threats in Standard. It is an include on raw power and it of course doesn't hurt that it provides a body for Showdown counters.
The Mana Base & How to Deploy it
We are primarily a Boros deck. The only blue card in the main deck is Sprite Dragon. When deploying mana the deck wants to assemble in order of these priorities: one source of each color, two white for Skyclave Apparition, a weighting of lands toward red for combo/burn turns. This seems contradictory but it is pretty easy to assemble thanks to the Triome present in our colors. The rest of the mana base is composed of all of the available pathways and then a mix of temples that have blue and one of the other two colors. This allows the deck to get the one source of blue online while also progressing to steps two and three of the mana priorities.
Drannith Magistrate primarily hits four things: Adventure, Escape, Foretell, and Showdown of the Scald/Robber of the Rich type effects. If your opponent deck has 8 or more cards in these categories it can be a strong board in as it is a low effort way to pressure their resources. This is a good board in against Gruul Adventures, Izzet Flash, Rakdos Midrange, and Naya Adventures.
Glass Casket answers powerful three drops and creatures with three toughness that our main board shock effects can't hit. This is a good board in against Mono Green Variants, Gruul and Naya Adventures, Rogues, and White based aggro decks with Hallowblades.
Skyclave Apparition answers similar issues as Glass Casket while also being able to interact with certain flavors of Yorion profitably.
Disdainful Stroke is incredibly efficient at protecting you the turn before you are looking to have an insane skald turn. It can also buy an additional turn against a haymakers out of control and Yorion decks. This a good board in against pretty much every build of control and Yorion. It is also good against Izzet flash and strong on the draw against Gruul based decks to snag Questing Beast, Great Henge, and Vivien.
The Royal Scions converts your cheap creatures into scary threats while quickly building to an ultimate that tends to do about 7 damage to the face. Good against decks without many creatures and strong at snowballing while on the play. A good board in against Yorion, Control decks, and ramp decks.
Ox of Agonas is primarily targeted hate for rogues while it is mostly for the one matchup it improves the matchup so dramatically that it is worth the sideboard slots. It also can be boarded in as a one of in matchups against non-white decks that interact enough to fill your graveyard quickly.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to shoot me any thoughts or questions. This deck has been an absolute blast and I am legitimately curious if it will end up seeing more play. If I had to guess the advantage gained by adding blue might not be strong enough. I haven't played a straight Boros build yet to know for sure.
submitted by TheOinkinator to spikes [link] [comments]

An Ultimate Guide to Learning Hungarian (10 Steps to Conversational Confidence)

Hi guys,
About a year ago I wrote an elaborate article about how to learn Hungarian, step by step, from the very beginning. I just refined it based on my tutoring experience and another year of running a website on which I and my non-Hungarian partner help others master the language.
Thought I'd share the article here, and highlight the most important steps:

1. Master the Hungarian Alphabet and Pronunciation

There’s no way to get around knowing the alphabet extraordinarily well when you learn Hungarian. Seriously, don’t even consider learning anything else before you have a firm grasp of the alphabet and the Hungarian pronunciation. Put in this effort at the very beginning and it’ll save you tons of time and sweat later on.
It's a lot easier to learn the right pronunciation than to un-learn the wrong pronunciation. No (written) vocab is of use if people don't understand what you want to say. So nail these accents, digraphs, and the trigraph.🔨😉
We have a guide to the alphabet here.
I also embedded 3 videos here in the article that explain the consonants, vowels, and spelling rules, respectively.

2. Understand Agglutination, the Nature of the Language

By this, I don't mean nail all the suffixes and prefixes but understand what agglutination is and how it works.
We can just as well call agglutination the essence of the language – it’s one of those distinguishing elements that make Hungarian so Hungarian. Agglutination is related to glue and is the process to stick all those prefixes and suffixes to the beginnings and endings of the words, and thereby express time, location, relationships, and everything else grammar is for.
That’s how the insanely long words come about – instead of in our house (3 words in English), Hungarians say házunkban (house-our-in) and use one word only.
Other famous agglutinating languages are Turkish, Korean, and Japanese.
In contrast, English is an analytical language. Instead of gluing directly to the words, it uses helper words (e.g. prepositions) to convey relationships.
German and Spanish, on the other hand, are fusional languages and are characterized by their systems of declensions (changing the form of the words) and verb conjugations.
Here's how agglutination works.

3. Understand the Hungarian Word Order

Again, understand how it works in principle and you'll get why Hungarians deem your sentences wrong or weird even though they're technically correct.
Another factor that distinguishes Hungarian from other, more common languages is its topic-prominent sentence structure. In Hungarian, word order isn’t defined by regular sentence constituents (subject, verb, object) but rather by the speaker’s communicative intentions – what the speaker wants to emphasize.
You’ll often hear Hungarian has a flexible word order, but it’s not true. It just follows other rules than most languages and word order is about the topic in question, not about the grammatical ingredients of the sentence.
I explain this here with a specific example sentence of "I'm going to the doctor" and how switching around the words creates different meanings of the sentence in Hungarian.

4. Learn the Numbers

Numbers are everywhere and the most rational among us will argue you can explain the entire world with them. While I’m not sure about that, dealing with numbers is something you won’t find your way around easily. I’m not gonna lie, it won’t be the most fun activity of your Hungarian-journey but to understand how counting works in Hungarian is overall an easy win.
Important: A no-brainer, but I want to emphasize you should learn every number and its (fast!) pronunciation. Hungarian cashiers hold the world record for their speed of pronouncing 5-digit numbers and it’s really frustrating to not understand what someone says, even though technically you know all words.
Here’s how to learn the Hungarian numbers:
This article explains how to learn the Hungarian numbers in 9 straightforward steps, including their pronunciation, ordinals, and how to talk about time and dates.
The app Foreign Numbers is your best friend when you learn to understand the spoken numbers. It’s basically a listening comprehension trainer for numbers where you can define the range of numbers you want to practice. It’s smart, helpful, and free.

5. Prepare and Start Learning the 500 Most Frequent Hungarian Words

While you don’t need to know all of them before you move on, this is the vocab list you should start with.
Around 300 words make out 65% of all written material in English and with 2,000 words you have 80% of all conversations and texts covered. When it comes to learning Hungarian (or any language, really!) the Pareto Principle, aka Law of the Vital Few applies. The 500 most frequent Hungarian words are the ones you’ll encounter frequently – in written texts, conversations, movies, songs, books, you name it – they’re everywhere. If you focus on these first it’ll help you stay on track and see what is and isn’t essential.
The list of the 500 most frequent Hungarian words comes as a bonus with the PDF-version of the article.

6. Have Your References Ready

After you learned the alphabet and numbers, make sure you have the following Hungarian-learning ingredients close and add them to your shopping cart if necessary:
Additionally, I listed plenty of (mostly) free online resources here worth bookmarking, and here's another, elaborate list of Hungarian resources for various topics (pronunciation, vocab, grammar, teachers & tutors, etc.).

7. Build Your First Script

To get a basic feeling for the language and your first boost of confidence it’s important you have a basic conversational script ready. This means nothing more than to learn to talk a tiny bit about yourself and ask some basic questions.
After initial greetings, first conversations usually turn towards where you live and what you do. Just think about how you would typically introduce yourself in your mother tongue and translate this into Hungarian.
Here’s my personal quick introduction as an example, along with a few questions you can ask your conversational counterpart and possible answers.

8. Immerse, immerse, and immerse more

Useful immersion still is in a combination of listening, reading, and speaking. Research shows when we communicate we spend 45% listening, 30% speaking, 16% reading, and 9% writing.

How to immerse through listening
What you need for a useful listening experience is tons of native, natural material that comes with a transcript. A transcript is kind of the key to the kingdom – the way you’ll get through to everything you cannot grasp by pure listening. Native material paired with a transcript is like taking part in real-life conversations with a remote control which helps you to pause, rewind and repeat what’s been said – at a slower speed if necessary.
This cures the usual drawbacks of the disheartening listening practices most Hungarian learners do (like listen to the radio, watch a movie or listen to textbook conversations that don’t help in real life).
Along with a listening course (The Smart Hungarian Audio Course) you can find on our homepage we offer a free video + email course about the exact steps on how to create and work your way through your own listening material – it’s great if you’re not ready to spend money but have a little time on your hands.

How to immerse through reading
Hungarian is one of those languages in which you cannot ignore the grammar totally, even at the beginning. Due to its agglutinative nature described above every word you learn is subject to frequent change within a sentence. Reading will help you understand how all those suffixes and prefixes work.
What to read, however, now that news pieces and children’s books are out of the way?
Our tip: Read something you’re genuinely interested in.
Material that engages and excites you is crucial for language-learning. If you don’t like what you read you’ll never stick to your reading habit.
Instead of complicated news pieces, read a Hungarian blog you’d also read in your own language. Here’s our comprehensive list. The next time you want to read up on something, try to Google it in Hungarian and see where it takes you.
It’s also essential to always listen to what you read. No new word or grammar rule will be of use if people don’t understand what you say, and vice versa.
Unfortunately, we didn’t come across the perfect Hungarian reading material yet – one which consists of the most important words comes with an audiobook and a translation…
… that’s why we created our own.😉
Our Smart Hungarian Short Stories is a course that teaches Hungarian through the magic of story. You can find a link to it on our webpage and in the article.
In it, 8 short stories of various genres become the course syllabus. The vocabulary and grammar you learn are based on the gripping content you read.

9. Learn Vocabulary - The Right Way

we recommend you start to learn vocabulary (apart from the 500 most frequent words mentioned above which you learn parallelly) only after you started (and based on) your immersion practice. This way, you’ll avoid learning irrelevant vocabulary you’ll never use and learn all vocabulary as applied in real life.
I saw many Hungarian-learners start out by learning various word lists (greetings, animals, or even home appliances) and become frustrated, as they couldn’t apply what they have learned in real-life conversations.
After you tackled a spoken conversation or an exciting story you’ll be left with plenty of new words and expressions. It’s tempting to start hammering them all into your brain, but there’s a more effective and sophisticated way to do this:
Learn vocabulary based on your personal needs and goals
No one else but you can make the decision of which words to actually learn. No app, vocabulary book, or even frequency list can tell you exactly what you need to achieve your Hungarian-learning goals.
While it’s tempting to be hyper-motivated and squeeze as many words into your brain as possible you’re much better off if you focus on what is important for YOU and your learning.
This is easier said than done. Often, we simply don't know which words are essential and which aren’t – as everything can seem both very important and unimportant at the same time.
Here are a few guidelines for which words to learn from an audio conversation or the reading material of your choice, including an example of a word list and how to decide what to learn from it.

How to learn vocabulary - about the Spaced Repetition System (SRS)
You’ve probably been told in order to remember something you’ll need to repeat it as often as possible. This rote repetition mindset is what led many of us frenetically to read study material again and again before a test at school or university. While an all-nighter filled with repetition sessions definitely helps to save the day and pass the exam, there seems to be something in the air that made us forget every single thing we’ve learned after handing in the test.
The lesson? Rote repetition is good to pass university exams. However, it’s terrible for language learning, as it’s useless for your long-term memory.
Spaced repetition is the opposite of rote repetition. Instead of drilling something by force, you can consider it a way gentler (and more efficient!) approach to learning. With a spaced repetition system you’ll recall your vocabulary right before you’re most likely to forget it. The repetition occurs at pre-determined intervals that get bigger and bigger as time passes. Answering why exactly spaced repetition works would go beyond the scope of this article and tap into the world of neuroscience, but it’s a method polyglots swear by for decades.

Anki as the language-learners’ best tool for using the Spaced Repetition System:
The terms Spaced Repetition System and Anki go hand in hand.
In short: Making vocabulary more memorable by involving your senses and via using spaced repetition is your best bet for learning vocabulary. To apply this method we suggest using Anki, as it offers the most room and opportunities for customization and the maximization of your learning efficiency.
Here are some resources to starting out with Anki.
The Anki Online Manual including some video tutorials about the basics such as:
The Anki subreddit is also a great community of 65k learners.

Emotions and your senses as the beating heart of vocab-learning
Vocabulary connected to memories with all your senses involved is a lot more memorable.
That's why most people can easily recall Egészségedre! ("Cheers!" ) but have trouble with simpler words. They associate positive emotions, like the fun of a Budapest-pub crawl or drinking with their Hungarian friends with the word.
Here are three actionable steps you can take instantly to make your flashcards more memorable (scroll down a little!).

10. Practice speaking – it’s time to get real

First, I want to dispel the myth that you have to be or live in Hungary to practice speaking the language, as this is plain BS. Since you read this guide, chances are you have internet access and this is all you need to speak any language you want, anytime, from anywhere.
Online video calls such as Skype enable us to do this. The only questions are where to look for conversation partners, what kind of conversation partner to look for, and how to practice with a conversation partner in the most efficient way.
The right Hungarian conversation partner for you
You have three options: To practice with a tandem language partner, a tutor, or a proper Hungarian teacher. Both of these options have their pros and cons.
Tandem partners are usually free but the exchange relies on its mutuality. This means your language partner wants to practice your mother tongue with you as well. Since your partner doesn’t have all the skills that require teaching a language, designing your progress here is mostly up to you if you want to make the most of your practice. Also, prepare your language tandem mostly won’t be able to answer all your questions regarding specific grammar rules or even vocabulary. This means you’ll probably have to do a lot of extra work after the exchanges.
If you don’t want to spend money and don’t mind giving back by helping with your mother tongue and are a structured person who doesn’t need much hand-holding, a tandem partner is a great solution.
Conversing with a tutor usually has a fee lower than learning with a teacher. Tutors have experience teaching the language and are able to answer most of your questions. They don’t hold a teaching degree, however, so a large part of structuring and topic design will still be up to you and your efforts.
If you're ready to spend a little money, are ready to look some things up for yourself but prefer a little structure and guidance, and don’t want to teach your own language yourself, a language tutor is what you want.
Practicing with a teacher costs money (but has become very affordable!) and the focus will be solely on you and your learning progress. A teacher will most likely have a certain kind of syllabus, will design the lessons according to your level, and will be able to answer all the questions you have regarding the language.
If you want structure, guidance immediate answers and are ready to spend money, a language teacher will work best for you.
Here's how to find teachers, tutors, and language partners (scroll down a little).

How to make the most of your lessons
Before every lesson, it’s important you know what you want to get out of it. Maybe you want to perfect talking about yourself or maybe there’s something in the natural conversational audio that you want to dive deeper into. Perhaps you want to learn to talk business, talk about skiing, hiking, or the last book you read. Whatever it is – make it relevant to you. Don’t talk about things you won’t encounter in real life.
Make sure you have all your necessary references open during the conversation: an online dictionary, a relevant word list for your topic, Google Translate or whatever you find helpful.
Your main goal should be to not switch to English; to simply eliminate that option. Your conversations with your language partners should come as close to real-life, full-on Hungarian conversations as humanely possible.

What about real-life conversations?
Have them, whenever you can. Following this guide isn’t about shielding yourself from practicing Hungarian IRL. It’s rather a more structured approach to reach your goal. We saw learners solely rely on textbooks and others solely rely on becoming streetsmart and just picking it up on the side via daily conversations with friends and family – none of them worked. That’s the reason I wrote this guide – to provide you with more structure and show you what works instead.

It’s time!

Learning Hungarian (or any language) is a rewarding, enriching, and fun adventure and it’s important you perceive it that way. It’s a big project and requires work but so do all good things in life.

I'm curious about what you think of this guide and would love to read about your experiences.

Happy learning - jó tanulást!💚🇭🇺
submitted by catchbudapest to hungarian [link] [comments]

[God Field] How the Game Works for EN Bros

About God Field

So recently I noticed that 5th gen, Pekora and Matsuri have started streaming/playing the game God Field. Suisei & Shion also joined in to play on Pekora's stream. Pekora also mentioned potentially doing a tournament for the game (not confirmed yet though). It seems like we might continue to see more streams of this game within Hololive.
However, I haven't seen anyone TLing any stream clips, which is a shame since it's a very funny game, made even more entertaining when Hololive members are playing it! I suspect it's because the game isn't well known to the overseas audience, so I decided to make this guide for TLers and EN fans who are interested but don't understand the game. I've provided examples from Hololive streams so that you can practice following along.
If you don't know anything about God Field, in short, it's a party card game. You could say it's like the Mario Kart of card games, and by that I mean it's a mixture of skill and unfair RNG mechanics and lucky card draws. The game also has the weird ability to make players start role playing, somehow due to its weird "God" theming and its unusual card and status names. You'll see players start to say silly things as they attack each other cards like "Goodbye Sword" or inflict weird status effects like "Fog". But these aspects are what creates very hilarious interactions and dialogue between the players, some of which I'll include at the end of this guide as a bonus.
You can also play the game for free here, but there's no tutorial, so I recommend reading this guide as you go.


The goal is to get your opponent's HP to 0. There are two main card types, attack (攻) cards and defence (守) cards. During your turn, you use attack cards to attack an opponent. The opponent can use defence cards to defend against it. 1ATK is equal to 1DEF.
EX: Suisei attacks Pekora with the 14 ATK "Violent Flail" (a very fitting card for her). Pekora defends with "Iron Armor", a 5DEF card, so she takes 9 damage. (
When defending, you can stack as many defence cards as you want at once. But for attacking, it's a bit different. You can only use 1 attack card normally, but you can combine "combo attack" cards to make a stronger attack. You can tell if it's a combo attack card if it has a "+" in its damage, for example "+3 攻" or "+3 ATK". Note that combo attack cards don't have to be used in a combo, they can also be used as standalone attacks.
EX: Polka attacks Lamy with a monstrous 10+13+10 card combo, a total of 33 damage. Lamy defends with a 1, 3, and 9 DEF combo, a total of 13 DEF, so she takes 20 damage. (


Some cards are color-coded, meaning they have an element. Elemental attacks can only be blocked with an elemental defence of a certain element. Fire & water (red & blue) counter each other, and stone & wood (grey & orange) counter each other. Elemental attacks are very hard to deal with, because you often won't have the specific elemental defence needed in your hand. Elemental cards themselves are also more uncommon than non-elemental cards. Note that you can use elemental defence cards to defend against non-elemental attacks too.
EX: Lamy attacks Botan with "Fire Crossbow", a +4 ATK fire card. Note that she used a combo card by itself instead of making a combo, which was actually a good play, because it preserved the card's element, making it so that Botan needed water element defence to defend it. Of course, Botan didn't have it, so *she took 4 damage. (
*This is a funny moment during a 3v3 team game of "Botan/Polka/Suisei" vs "Pekora/Nene/Lamy", where Botan says she'll "be a wall" for her teammates, and proceeds to get brutally focus-fired by the opposing team. More on why that happens later.
Actually, there are two more elements that behave quite differently: light (yellow) and dark (purple). Light cannot be blocked, and can substitute as Fire/WateStone/Wood for both attacks and defence. So it's like a wildcard element, as well as being virtually undefendable (a few cards can block it). Dark can be blocked by anything, even by non-elemental defence, but it kills the opponent if even 1 damage goes through. As you can imagine, both of these elements are very scary to deal with.
EX1: Shion attacks Pekora with "Justice Lance", a 5 ATK light card. Note that none of Pekora's defence cards are lit up, showing that they can't be selected, because again, light element attacks are unblockable. (
EX2: Botan attacks Nene with "Killer Fork", a 5 ATK dark card. Nene didn't have any defence cards, so she died despite having 24HP due to the dark element's instant kill effect. Note that Botan likely knew she had no defence cards, because in the early rounds of this 3v3 team game, Team Suisei/Botan/Polka all attacked Nene, causing her to use her up defence cards early on. (
You might be thinking that if you combine something like +10 ATK cards with a 5 ATK dark element card, you have the recipe for an OP combo. But actually, stacking attack cards of different elements will cause the entire attack to become non elemental, so you'll lose the "dark instant-kill" effect. However, there are combo cards which are elemental, so if you're lucky enough to get a +5 ATK dark element, you can combine it with a 5 ATK dark element to create a very lethal dark element attack.

Tip for Following Along as a Viewer

It can be hard to add up all the cards and consider the elements for a given interaction, especially when the players play very fast. Some cards are also both attack and defence cards, meaning they have an ATK and DEF value, making it extra hard to understand if you don't know the kanji. So as a tip, the game itself will show the total ATK, total DEF, and elements of a given interaction. It's shown below each of the two "card columns" of the field.
And as mentioned before, usable cards will light up in your hand, so you can tell if the streamer was forced to take an attack because they had no cards to play, or if they took it in purpose to save their cards for later.
EX1: Polka attacks with a 9ATK card and +10 Light ATK *card. Remember that non elemental and light don't combine, so it's actually just a non elemental attack altogether. Note the "19 攻" near the bottom left, showing the total attack, and the fact that it's black means that it's non elemental. On Nene's side, it shows a black "15 守" , meaning the total defence is 15, and is also non elemental. (
*The light card Polka used is called "Meteor", hence why Polka says Suisei's catchphrase in reference to it.
EX2: Lamy attacks Botan with 3 wood ATK and +1 light ATK. Since light substitutes as wood, you can see in the bottom-left that it becomes an orange "+4 攻", or in other woods, a 4 damage wood attack. Once again, Botan is unable to defend, since elemental defence is very rare. (

AoE Attacks

Some attacks have a "%" in their damage, for example "50% 9ATK". What this means is that they have a % chance of hitting each opponent with that much damage. So with "50% 9ATK", if you're in a 8 player free for all, you can think of it as flipping a coin for each of your 7 opponents, and if it lands on heads, they get hit by 9ATK. Depending on luck, the attack can either hit everyone, miss everyone, or do some mix of hitting/missing. AoE attacks are all elemental by design as well, making them extra annoying.
EX: Polka attacks Pekora/Nene/Lamy with "Rain Deity's Sword", a 50% 9ATK water card. And to her luck, it successfully hits all three of them. (


Spells work basically like how they do in RPGs; they cost MP, and they can be used infinitely. You'll notice after a player uses them the first time, that the card stays in the bottom right of the player's hand. It's sort of like they "learned" the spell. Most spells are simply elemental attacks that cost MP, but there are some other unique effects they can do as well. In general, spells are much stronger than regular attack cards in this game, since they're essentially infinitely reusable elemental attacks. But they're usually hard to use since MP is a somewhat uncommon resource, and spells themselves are uncommon as well.
EX: Pekora vs Shion. Pekora has a measly 2HP, and Shion uses the spell "Ice", a 4ATK water spell that costs 2MP, to finish her off. Luckily, Pekora draws "Moonlight Shield" just in time, which reflect spells, and manages to survive. But if you recall, spells are reusable, so Shion just uses "Ice" the next turn. Miraculously, Pekora draws "Moonlight Sword", which also can reflect spells, and survives yet another turn. Finally, for a third time, Shion casts "Ice", but this time Pekora is all out of luck. (
Spells actually have an interesting side effect. Because of how card draw works (you replenish the same amount of cards that you use), when using a spell, it counts as if you "used it" even though it remained in your hand. So your hand size will increase by 1 every time you use it, meaning it gives +1 card advantage. So if you have a cheap cost spell, you can cast it many times over the course of a game to continuously increase your hand size - and thus create a massive card advantage over your opponent. If you've played card games before, you'll realize that this is a very powerful effect.
EX: Pekora attacks Shion with a 6 ATK wood spell. Watch Pekora's hand in the bottom-left, and notice that she gains a card slot in her hand when she uses the spell. Also note that her hand is much bigger than the default hand size, as she's already used the spell a bunch before. (


There are very non-traditional status effects in this game, so I'll explain each one:
Fog: The background becomes blue, and various things become blocked with a blue fill. You can't see what cards other players play, unless they're attacking you. You also can't see anyone's HP/MP/Money, besides your own, and you cannot select who you target when you attack.
EX: Shion uses the "Fog" spell on Pekora. Pekora actually has a consumable that can cure it called "Heart Shell", which can cure all statuses, so she uses it. But "Heart Shell" is single-use, and if you recall, spells are infinite use, so Shion just casts "Fog" again right after, since the MP cost is low. The interaction itself is funny, with Shion constantly teasing her about "absolutely wanting Pekora to not be able to see~" (
Dream: All cards you draw have a 50% of being "disguised" - meaning they can actually be a different card then what it visually appears as. It'll reveal what the card really is when you use it. A "disguised" card will have a misty filter on it. Note that cards can't turn into cards of another type - meaning you can't defend with a defence card, but then it turns into an attack/spell/consumable card with 0 DEF. It'll always turn into another defence card. And if it's an elemental defence card, it'll turn into an elemental defence card of the same element. This makes it so that you can't play a "wrong" or "invalid" card as a result of dream.
EX: In a close game of Pekora vs Matsuri, where both players have 7HP left, Matsuri attacks Pekora with a 11ATK combo. Pekora's only defence card is a potentially fake "Flame Boots", a 3DEF card, so she thinks she will lose, especially since elemental cards tend to have low DEF, so even if it's fake, it'll still probably turn into another weak card. However, it's actually revealed to be "Flame Armor", a 12DEF card, so she survives with excitement. (Volume Warning
Flash: You can only use up to 1 defence card when defending.
EX: Polka hits Botan with *"Horror Wheel", a +11 ATK card. Botan counters with "Uranus Ring", which inflicts flash to whoever damaged her, so Polka gets the "Flash" status. Then, Lamy attacks the "Flashed" Polka with the 9 ATK "Power Halberd", which is difficult to defend since she can only play 1 defence card. To top it off, Polka's under "Dream" as well, meaning she doesn't know if her 1 defence card will be good enough, since it may change into another, weaker card. This interaction shows a special yellow text (まぶしい) that translates to "bright". So while getting hit, Polka says "It's bright! What's with this brightness?" (
*You might be wondering why Polka used a combo attack on its own, since unlike in the previous similar example with Lamy, it's non-elemental, so it should be better to combine it with another attack. It's because she was new to the game - Nene actually starts explaining it to her about "+" and "combo" cards during that timestamp after she plays it.
Dark Cloud: If you're hit with a % attack, it has a 100% chance of hitting.
EX: Shion hits Pekora with "Flare Axe", a 50% 10ATK fire card. Pekora is already under Dark Cloud, so she gets hit. This interaction shows a special purple text (不可避) which translates to "inevitable", as in it's inevitable the hit will land. (
Cold->Fever->Hell->Heaven: These disease statuses give -1/-2/-5/+5 HP per turn. They're related in that diseases can get "worse" at a 5% chance each turn, or when you catch another disease. When a disease becomes worse, it turns into the "next stage" disease. Meaning cold turns into fever, which turns into hell, which turns into heaven, and after heaven, you'll simply die.
Heaven is quite odd since unlike the other diseases, it gives you HP per turn rather than dealing damage per turn. But instead you have a 5% chance of dying at the end of your turn. So it can create some thrilling situations where a player is nearly unkillable because of the +5HP per turn, but also can die at any moment if their luck turns bad.
EX: Lamy uses "Heaven Herb" on herself, which gives +20 MP, but also puts herself under "heaven". Note the +5HP that appears after as a result of "heaven". Polka questions the play at first, since heaven is very dangerous so you'd rather give it to someone else, but then she realizes you can cure it later. So Lamy used it as a desperate way to heal herself, as her HP was running low. (

Common Keywords

There are some common card effects that are important to know.
Bounce Attack/Spell - Redirects an attack/spell to anyone in the game, even to the person who bounced it! A quirk of this mechanic is that the attack/spell will become unblockable if you bounce it and it redirects to yourself.
EX: During a team battle, Polka uses the light element spell "Meteor" on Lamy. Normally, light is unblockable - but Lamy plays "Sky Helm" which bounces spells. It then bounces to... ( Polka's ally Botan, causing Polka's attack to kill her own teammate, who only had 7HP, and no way to counter light element.
Reflect Attack/Spell - Reflects the attack/spell back to the attackecaster. Fairly self explanatory, but it's good to be aware of, as it's the common cause of funny moments, along with "Bounce".
EX: Pekora vs Shion. Pekora has only 7HP and is on her last legs, while Shion has 22HP. Shion plays "Ice Age", a 75% 30ATK water spell. Shion thinks she just won, as it's nearly impossible to deal with 30 water damage. But... ( Pekora uses "Moonlight Sword", which is an attack card that can also be used as a defence card to reflect spells, and makes a comeback.
Cast Spell w/o Cost: You can combine a card with this effect to cast a spell for free. This is why you'll see players occasionally cast a spell without enough MP, and combine it with a seemingly unrelated armoweapon.
EX: Polka casts the spell "Meteor" which costs 7MP on Lamy, but she only has 1MP. She then combines it with the consumable card "Spiritual Doll", which allows a spell to be casted with no cost. (
Block Attack/Spell - It allows you to fully block certain kinds of attacks, regardless of how high the damage is.
Counterattack - A defensive keyword that activates upon receiving damage. You'll see counterattack on a set of cards known as "Elemental Planet Rings", like the "Uranus Ring" mentioned before. They all have very different effects. Some effects scale based on how much damage you took, meaning you might intentionally take more damage to boost the effect. A common mistake is to use defensive cards with a counterattack card, because it may weaken the special effect.
EX: Pekora vs Shion. Shion counters Pekora's 11ATK "Gravity Mace" with "Saturn Ring", which counterattacks with double the received damage, as stone element. So Pekora was countered with 22 stone ATK. If Shion instead tried to fully block the attack while using Saturn Ring, it would've dealt no damage. (
Inflict "X Status" on Damage - If the attack deals at least 1 damage, it'll also inflict a status.
EX: During the 5th Gen FFA, Lamy attacks Polka with "Bogus Spear", which has "inflict Dream on hit". Polka gets scared, saying "I have to completely defend this!". Earlier in the stream, nearly everyone had spent a long time under the effects of "Dream", so she was afraid of experiencing it again. It's a very scary status to be afflicted with. (


These are mostly cards that simply heal HP, MP, or cure statuses. Though there are actually some with much more wild effects, like the "Heaven Herb" mentioned previously. An interesting part about these cards is that you can use them on someone else, so for example you can heal allies in team matches. One more notable feature is that they're in a separate category from attacks or spells, and this game only has blocking cards that work against attacks and spells. As a result, there is no way to block consumable cards.
EX: Continuing from a previous example, Pekora uses "Heart Shell" to cure her teammate Lamy's "Heaven". She was afraid that Lamy would die from heaven, leaving her in a 1v2 situation, so she waited a few turns for it to heal her, then cured her. (


You may have noticed that both players and cards have "¥" on them. "¥", or money, is used for three specific cards: "buy", "sell", and "exchange". These cards are fairly common, have very unique effects, and can be OP when used right, so I'll explain them thoroughly.
Buy: target a player, then the game chooses a random card from their hand. You then have the option of buying that card from them. The real power of this card comes from its glitchy side effect - similar to spells, after buying a card, it actually increases the buyer's hand size by 1. But unlike spells, it also decreases the seller's hand size by 1, meaning this gives a +2 card advantage. You might notice a player's hand size becoming extremely small or big, as a result of multiple uses of this card. Needless to say, this card is extremely powerful.
EX: Pekora gets lucky and manages to buy Shion's "Real Ghost Sword", a 12ATK lifesteal card. This effect is very powerful and essentially means the card has 24ATK in terms of value. (
Sell: choose one of the cards in your hand, and target a player to forcefully sell it to. It has the same side effect as "buy" cards, meaning you lose 1 hand size for using it, and the opponent gains 1 hand size. So at first it seems like a terrible card since it has -2 card advantage, but it actually has its uses. For example, what happens if you sell a $30 card to someone with $0 money? The victim is forced to buy the card no matter what. If they're too poor, they pay in MP instead. If they have insufficient MP, then they pay in HP. So they can actually die from being too poor to buy a card. So when used on a poor player, this card actually becomes an unblockable MP drain, and/or an unblockable attack.
EX: Suisei says "Peko-chan, Peko-chan, looks like you don't have any money right now" and then sells her an expensive Heart Shell. To add insult to injury, she already has two Heart Shells, and because she has no money, she lost 15MP instead, which she crucially needed because she has 3 useful spells in her hand. (
Exchange: allows you to freely exchange your HP, MP, and money at a 1:1:1 ratio. This card is pretty straight forward, and doesn't have any crazy side effects like the others. The thing to note is that there are very few ways to gain HP/MP/money in this game, so this card is one of the most versatile cards in the game and combos well with all HP/MP/money cards.
EX: Shion vs Pekora. Shion has been using the spell "Treasure", which costs 5MP but gives 10$, to reach a total of $60. And as her HP runs low, she uses "exchange" to turn 60$ into 40HP and 20MP. As a result of this, while taking Pekora's attacks, she was able to fully heal herself, and leave herself with 20MP for a strong spell later, all the while increasing her hand size by a lot due to spamming the spell "Treasure". (
These cards all belong to the "trade" category, so like "consumables", they aren't considered an "attack/spell", so they cannot be blocked.
Note that money is not used to play cards, this value is strictly only for buying and selling. Cards don't have any cost to play them (except MP for spell cards).


Certain cards will allow players to summon elemental guardians, which have a 25% chance of casting cards after every opponent's turn. The cards they cast depend on their element, the dark guardian for example will randomly choose between 5 dark element cards. Also, guardians don't need MP to cast spells. Guardians have a 10% of disappearing when the player they belong to gets hit. There's also a money guardian and a healing guardian, which are less deadly since they don't attack, but still are quite annoying if left alone for too long.
In general, guardians are a huge threat, as it's impossible to keep up with the amount of elemental defence cards needed to block their elemental attacks. The value they generate over time is so threatening that players in a team or FFA game will often start focus firing you for having one.
EX1: Pekora uses "Guardian Sealed Jar" on her teammate Lamy, to give her a guardian. She gets the darkness guardian, which has the potential to win the game on its own by constantly sending out dark element attacks. However, its threat causes Lamy to get *brutally targeted by Team Suisei & Polka, and eventually the guardian falls (Summoning (Disappears
*If you remember, Lamy had to use "Heaven Herb" on herself before due to her HP getting low. This was from the same game and happens right after this. So her HP was getting low because of the guardian her ally Pekora gave her.
EX2: Remember the Botan moment from before, where she says "I'll be a wall for everyone!" in a 3v3 game? The reason she said this was actually because she played "Guardian Sealed Jar" before, and thus you can see she has a guardian icon next to her on the top right. So she was playfully speaking to the fact that she drew the opposing team's aggro. And indeed, she ends up taking the brunt of the opposing team's attacks and dies first for her team. (


There's an optional setting in the game where when a certain number of turns pass, the apocalypse starts. When this happens, the background changes, and there's a high chance of drawing "devil" cards, which have various effects, most notable of which is just straight up receiving unblockable damage. It's basically a "hurry-up" mode - a way to stop games from being too long. Another fun interaction is that since devils count as cards, you can actually: draw a devil, take damage, devil gets discarded/used so you draw another card, you draw ANOTHER devil, take damage, and repeat. So you can simply die from endless devil damage, all from one card draw!
Pekora/Matsuri/Polka didn't use the setting, so there are no examples of it. But I explained it in case one of them uses it in the future.

Playing The Game

Within the RNG, the game has some interesting mechanics and strategy, which I've tried my best to cover. But if you want to understand the streams fully, I ultimately recommend playing the game yourself, as there's many unique card effects that I haven't covered. In addition to effects, knowing the card names and draw rarity adds much needed context to what the players are saying. There are times when players will play multiple powerful rare cards in a row, which adds to the hilarity.
The game is free and playable on browser and mobile. There's a "bible" on the top-right where you can check card effects and rarities, and modes where you can play vs AI, with friends, or with strangers. This game is very fun with friends, but is boring alone IMO. However, there's no tutorial, and the UI is confusing, so you should familiarize yourself with the game first before introducing it to friends.
It also has a NND style chat, so if you're wondering about the floating text that sometimes appears, it's the hololive members typing it.
The game uses odd "God"-themed terms for things, which I avoided using in the guide to prevent confusion. But you'll need to know them to play the game, and the players themselves make references to it, so here's a chart:
God Field's Terms Regular Game Terms
Artifact Card
Curse Status
Miracle Spell
Sundry Consumable
Ascension Death
Seizure Death by Heaven
Forgive Allow (allow an action to happen without playing any cards in response)
Pray Pass (if you have no attack cards, pass and draw a card)
Bible Glossary / Card Library
Gift Rate Draw Chance
Phenomena Global Effect
Prophet Player
Hidden Melee Private Lobby
Again, one of the charms of the game is how it makes the players "role-play" as they attack each other with unethical cards combos and statuses, so I'm hoping that whoever TLs any clips can capture the nuance and wordplay well. Thanks for reading!

Bonus: Stream Highlights

submitted by catsobi to Hololive [link] [comments]

** I am 25 years old make $40,000, live in Grand Rapids, MI and work as a database management coordinator **

Section One: Assets and Debt Use this section to explain your current financial picture at large.
Retirement Balance: $0 (I can’t contribute until March)
Equity if you're a homeowner: My boyfriend, H, and I just bought a house! We close on Feb 5th, but don’t take possession until March 15th. But our home was appraised at $270,000, we paid $267,000. Our downpayment is 20% and H’s parents gave us $46,000 for that and closing costs. I have put forth $10,000 from my investment account (see below) and H has contributed $7,000 and will pay for a chunk of the repairs needed before we move in.
Savings account balance: $5,000
Checking account balance: $1,200 (I try not to ever let this go under $1,000)
Credit card debt: $300 (This is gas/some grocery expenses that will be paid at the end of the month)
Student loan debt: $10,500 for a BBA in general business. I am reeeeeally hoping Biden is going to forgive this, as I have almost exactly $10,000 left to pay. My grandparents paid for most of my degree until my last 5 semesters because I changed schools. I had been going to my grandfather’s alma mater and changed schools with 5 semesters left, going full time all semesters.
Mutual fund: ~$6,500. This had $10,000 more but I used it for our down payment. This was opened for me by my grandparents, and my parents also contributed. I got ownership of this account the year I turned 21.
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2,472
My boyfriend H makes $52,000/year, but we do not combine finances. We either split everything or Venmo each other. It typically evens out.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees: Currently our rent is $950 for just rent and we pay relative to paycheck (I pay $400). Our mortgage will be $1,200 and I will be paying $550
Renters / home owners insurance: We paid for a year of renters ($110) and will have to start paying home owners in March
Retirement contribution: I can’t contribute until March, but will start contributing 3%
Savings contribution: usually around $200-300
Investment contribution: Nothing now, will be after we get the expensive home things finished
Debt payments: Pay off CC monthly. Not paying off student loans until September, if I have to. Then will be paying $100
Donations: I volunteer with an animal rescue (am also a board member!)
Electric: H pays
Wifi/Cable/Landline: H pays
Cellphone: On my parents’ plan
Subscriptions: $15 for book of the month, and $60 every 6 weeks for our cats’ food through Chewy, $10 for Grubhub+, $10 for Disney+ and $5 for Spotify for students (they don’t know I graduated). H’s parents pay for Netflix and Amazon and we let them use our Disney and Hulu!
Pet expenses: See above, and $20 month for their insurance (for my half)
Car payment / insurance: My parents bought my car and pay my insurance
7:15 am: Wake up for work. Make an iced coffee and get ready. Throw on Madewell jeans and a sweater and out the door by 7:35.
8:00: Arrive at work. Realize I have nothing to do today and internally freak out. This is my first job out of college and I’m really struggling with figuring it out. We are in the office, but my manager is working from home this week and my coworker, L, is in the office. They have different expectations of me and I’m completely overwhelmed. My coworker is a bit controlling, so she “assigns” me my work and I have a project that I can do in my free time. I feel like I’m wasting time by not actually doing any real work, but L is swamped and won’t delegate. During my first week I attempted to just start doing things that are my responsibility, but L freaked out, called my manager, who then told me that I can’t do anything until L assigns it to me, even though I was just doing things that are my responsibility.
12:30: Heat up lunch and chill on my phone. L is being quite verbal with how busy she is and makes an off hand comment about how she’s “so glad I’m here, but it’s like double the work having to check over someone else’s work and do your own.” I apologize for being new and she says that she can’t wait until I have free reign on things and I agree. I remind myself that I am still new and it is okay to make mistakes.
4:30: Finally done, call H on my way home. I tell him I am so glad it is Friday and I can’t wait to just relax tonight. When I get home I have a Diet Coke while H makes tempura cauliflower and potsticker soup.
7 pm: Amazon delivers a box of vitamins my mom ordered for me and I call her to thank her. H is on the phone with his mom, so we both chat with our respective moms for a few before we continue watching Netflix and chatting.
9 pm: I start getting tired but we decide to watch Lady Bird and hang on the couch with the cats. I doze off at 11 while H plays video games.
Money spent: $0
9:30: Wake up to coffee in bed supplied by H, who has been up since 7 am to watch a soccer game. I put the coffee on my nightstand and one of the cats instantly knocks it over, spilling it everywhere. I guess it’s time to get up?
10:30: Hop in the shower after milling around straightening the apartment. I am finding it so difficult to even want to organize here when I know we’re moving in a few weeks. We don’t have a possession date yet, because the current owners have not found a new house. We have a huge list of things we want/need to do to the house before moving in, so we will not move in on our possession date anyways. I throw in some laundry after my shower and H decides to make lunch.
12: We need to get out of our apartment, so we go drive by our house and check out our new local brewery. It is half a mile from the house and they have an outdoor beer deck, as restaurants in Michigan are closed to indoor dining. I get a sangria and H gets 2 beers and some fries for us to share. H pays.
1:00: We see that town a few minutes away has a whole street closed down where you can open carry alcohol and there are fires and food. We figure we will stop by and see how things look. Everyone is wearing masks (unless eating or drinking) and are social distancing, so H parks and we walk around. We stop for coffees first, I get a tea latte and H gets a coffee. ($8 with a tip).
1:30: After sitting down and hanging out drinking coffee we walk around downtown. Everyone has masks on and are social distancing and it is so nice to see. It is pretty cold out but most bars and restaurants have outdoor seating with heaters or fires. We pop into another brewery where H gets a ghost pepper beer and a spicy Crunchwrap for when we get home. H pays. On our way out we stop at our favorite cheese store and get a caramelized onion quiche, a goat cheese with red pepper and onion, some Tipperary Irish cheese and a triple cream Brie/blue cheese, I pay. ($26 with tip)
2:30: After sitting out by the fire my hair smells like smoke so I take another shower while H puts away the cheese and tidies around the living room. We share the crunch wrap and it is amazing. Today is cheat day, so we won’t work out tonight, but will tomorrow. Loaf around between loads of laundry and watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
8:00: Hungry again so we order Thai food from Grubhub. I get peanut curry noodles and H gets yellow curry and we split crab Rangoon. ($32, H pays half). H plays games online with some friends on Saturday nights so I make the bed, tidy up, and start some online shopping for the house. We currently have 1 b1 bath and our house is 4 b2.5 bath and I’m so overwhelmed! The current owners are taking all of the fixtures in all bathrooms (toilet paper holders, towel bars and hooks, etc) so those are things we need pretty quick after we move. I put some items in my cart at Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters, but don’t check out because I know there will be a sale soon.
10:30: The cats and I head to bed, H is staying up to watch the Connor McGregor fight. I do my night time skin routine of Lush’s 9-5, the Body Shop’s Oils of Life and Olay night cream and eye cream, brush my teeth and watch Bob’s Burgers until I pass out.
Total: $50
9:30 am: H wakes me up with coffee and asks if I want him to heat up the quiche from yesterday. He does that while I talk to my parents and cuddle the cats. We eat in bed and lounge until noon, when we decide to run to the grocery store and take our recycling and garbage. (Meijer trip: $26 for my half) We get onions, brussels, asparagus, potatoes, soup, crackers, rice, enchilada sauce, black beans, and other stuff I can’t remember.
1:00: On to target because our Meijer is never well stocked. We are able to get in and out in 15 minutes, which seems like it should be illegal. (My half: $13). We get some meatless crumbles and falafel, parchment paper and Valentine’s Day toys for the cats.
2:00: Home and the groceries are put away. I make a cheese board for H and I to snack on while we watch the Red Wings game.
3:00: I start cleaning the apartment while H watches football. I clean the sinks, the bathroom, vacuum and steam clean the floors while he scoops the litter box. While the floors dry, I take a nap on the couch with one of the cats. We do a popsugar workout when I wake up and then veg until dinner, talking and watching TV.
7:30: H makes brussel sprouts, asparagus, and rice for dinner while I finish up laundry. After dinner I shower and do my night time routine and out by 10.
Daily total: $39
7:30: On way to work and the line at Starbucks is insane. I usually stop at Starbucks on Monday mornings but there is no way I can wait in line and still make it to work on time. I stop at the gas station next to work for my coffee ($1.50) and hope it doesn’t suck (spoiler: it did).
12:30: Lunch time! H texted me this morning that we will be able to take possession on our house sooner than we thought, so I make a list (one of many) of things we need to get done between closing and possession. Getting a little stressed about things we “need” vs “want” but I know it’ll work out. I eat an Annie’s Mac and cheese and look online for bathroom hardware.
4:30: H calls and tells me we need to figure out how to get a wire transfer receipt for the money I sent him for our down payment. On my way home I call my credit union, but they don’t offer receipts for wire transfers. I call H back and give him the confirmation number my CU gave me, and we hope that is good enough. When I get home we do another Pop Sugar workout video and order mexican food. We have some rewards from Grubhub, so our fajitas only cost us $4 (I pay).
6:00: Home, eat and relax. It is going to snow tonight so H reminds me to leave early in the morning for traffic. We do our nightly routines and I’m out by 10.
Total: $5.50
7:30: Wake up to a ton of snow and icy roads. Thankfully H brushed my car off before I left, but it is still snowing and gross outside. We’re supposed to get another 6 inches today!
12:30: Lunch time! I heat up some mashed potatoes and call my credit union. We are still trying to get our lender proof that I gave H money for our mortgage and I’m getting frustrated. I give them permission to speak to H, and he gets it straightened out.
4:30: My boss calls me as I’m about to leave to tell me I can work from home Friday! When I got this job I was told I would be remote within a year, but from conversations with my boss it sounds like it could be a lot sooner. This was a huge reason we wanted to get a house, because I do really need an “office”, not just a desk in our bedroom. I call H on the way home and make him tell our cats I will be home with the all day Friday.
5:00: Home and my mom texts asking if I want anything from The Body Shop. She places an order and I get Aloe moisturizer, some make up remover, and a facial massager ($28, sent to my mom). I have been trying to get more into skin care lately and I’m so excited for the facial roller! My mom and I are super close and I miss her so much. We usually chat on the phone once a day, but it isn’t the same.
7:00: After dinner (soup and salad, made by H) I get the box my mom sent me. Mostly things I left at home for Christmas. H and I were not planning on going home for Christmas, but the week before there was a death in his family. We went home (2 hours away) with the cats, not knowing how long we would stay. We packed for 4 days, but ended up staying 3 weeks. Also included in the box was my tab renewal form. I decide to do it online, instead of going to the Secretary of State in person ($91.31, with fees for paying with a card). My car is in my mom’s name, so I have to update my tabs during her birth month, not my own.
9:30: Shower and get in bed. We watch the Simpsons until we fall asleep.
Total: $119.30
7:15: Wake up and get dressed. I have extra time this morning, so I stop at Starbucks and get a Carmel macchiato ($5). I get into work and my boss calls to let me know my laptop bag was delivered, so I grab that from the receptionist. Since I’ll be working from home Friday I make sure my laptop, mouse, and charger all fit in the bag.
12:30: H Venmo requests me $65 for utilities this month. I didn’t pay for rent from August-December, so I tell him I will pay half of our utilities for a few months. I was furloughed from my retail job March-June, and then I was collecting underemployment June-August. I got COVID in July, and quit my job in August, due to being asked to work while being sick with CIVID. Because I stopped receiving unemployment at that point, H agreed to let me stop paying rent. I really appreciate this, it allowed me to not have to get a job for my last semester, and truly focus on school and getting an after graduation job. I place a pick up order for Target to grab on my way home from work. I get pita bread and snacks for work ($11).
4:30: Leave work, stop at Target for Drive Up. I also stop at Sam’s Club for gas ($18.40) When I get home, H and I do a popsugar work out. He makes dinner (falafel, rice, pita and salad) while I fold towels, pick up a bit and chat with my mom. I also text a few friends I haven’t talked to lately. In bed by 9, after a shower and skin care routine.
Total: $94.40
7:30: Up and out the door. At work, my boss asks what I want for lunch so I order a wrap from Applebees (she pays) and my coworker, boss and I eat in a conference room. We discuss how I’m doing and they let me know I will be able to work from home by my 90 day point (!!!!). They also explain that another coworker, who isn’t in my department but was hired in the same day as me, was let go last week due to misaligned expectations. They ask how I’m feeling, and I am honest and explain that I feel a little overwhelmed and like I’m not doing a good job. They both reassure me and it ends up being a great talk.
2:30: My mom texts and asks if I think my niece would like an Amazon tablet and I say yes. I do a pickup for one at the target near my mom, so she can use my red card discount and drive up. ($105, but my mom will Venmo me when she decides if she will keep it)
4:30: Grab my laptop and leave work! I stop at Marshall’s to get a new cat dish, and also some soap dispensers for the house. Wouldn’t be a marshalls trip without buying something that I don’t really need but I walk out with an entry way bench anyways. ($108) I chat on the phone with my mom and friend while shopping and then go get my dip powder taken off my nails ($10). Super bummed I’m not going to be doing dip for the time being but it is an unnecessary expense right now, and I’ll be working remote more with no one looking at my nails.
7:00: H gets home from guitar lessons and we talk about moving. This leads to a fight about realistic expectations of moving, cleaning old apartment, and what happened last time we moved. We both agree that there’s no use fighting until we know all the facts and H makes dinner.
9:30: H does the dishes while I get ready for bed and we get into bed. Asleep by 10, excited to WFH tomorrow!
Total: $223
Week total: $531.20
Food + Drink: $110.50
Fun / Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $108
Clothes + Beauty: $28
Transport: $109.71
Other: $65
Reflection: This is an atypical week for spending. H and I definitely order a ton of take out, and that’s typical, but I haven’t been shopping as much lately. Saving up for housing expenses has been pretty stressful for me, I really want to get the big stuff out of the way before buying furniture. In case anyone is wondering about our house buying process, I will outline briefly below:
In November 2020, H’s parents offered to help us with a down payment, as we were having a tough time finding any homes in our budget. We met with a lender, who approved us for way more than we planned on spending. The market in Grand Rapids is hot. We put an offer in on another house, $30k over asking, we had done an inspection before our offer, and offered an appraisal gap of $5k. The winning offer was $70k over asking, in cash, no appraisal or inspection. We were devastated, it was truly our dream home. This was right before Christmas, and H had lost a family member that week. We agreed to take a break from looking at houses. January 3rd, I found our house on a Zillow email. We called our agent and he told us that there was already an offer in, who asked the owners to stop showing the house. It had been on market for 6 hours. Our agent was able to get us in that night, but told us if we wanted it we needed to make an offer that night. We agreed to offer $15k over, with an escalation clause of $20k over, $3k appraisal gap, and 40 days between acceptance and possession, as the current owners needed to find a house. There was another offer that was $1k over our initial, but under our escalation clause maximum, so our offer won! We found out we got the house on a Thursday, and our inspection was that Saturday. This was January 9, and the inspection didn’t find any major issues with the house, save for the 24 year old water heater and furnace. We asked the sellers for a 1 year home warranty, which they agreed to. They also offered us their washer and dryer (5years old, LG) for $500. We agreed and our all in was $268,500. It was really important to H’s parents that we put 20% down so we didn’t have to deal with PMI, so our down payment was $56,000. Closing costs will be $7,000. We will need to paint, add gutters, have a handy man and electrician do small jobs, and update the master bedroom carpet.
submitted by wheery to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

[Mobile Gaming] How Riot Games is now fighting hordes of fake mobile games with its new game 'Wildrift'

“You’re playing games on your phone right? Do you also play Candy Crush? I heard of that one guy who spent 100k on microtransactions lol.”. For PC gamers, mobile gaming is known for its casual games and greedy game design. Really, no one wants to trade a pc game for a mobile game when it comes to paying fair prices for ingame items. And they’re right. The story I’m about to tell you contains all of the darkest and most damned necromancy from the mobile gaming underworld, such as greedy microtransaction, unbalanced gameplay and blatantly obvious plagiarism, manifested in the form of a game called Mobile Legends. Right now, this game is in a war with Riot Games’ Wildrift, both communities fighting over which game to play. But how did we get there? In this write up, I’ll give you a rundown on the history of mobile mobas and how we ended up here, in this war.

Terms to know
Before I begin, I’ll explain a few crucial terms to understand this story to you.
MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena) is a subgenre of strategy video games in which each player controls a single character called a champion with a set of unique abilities that improve over the course of a game and which contribute to the team's overall strategy. The ultimate objective is for each team to destroy their opponents' main structure, located at the opposite corner of the battlefield. (Quoted in parts from Wikipedia)
Skin is a change in appearance which can be equipped on a champion to make him look different. Very often they feature interesting thematics, eg. a medieval theme.
League of Legends, developed by Riot Games, is the single most popular Moba game on the Pc and is often abbreviated as LoL.
Moontoon The developer of Mobile Legends.

The Birth of Mobile Mobas
Let me introduce you to the godfather of mobile mobas, Vainglory. Released in 2014 by Super Evil Megacorp, short SEMC, it instantly set the standards of what top tier mobile gaming looks like. With Vainglory, SEMC caught lightning in a bottle. Vainglory was the first pc-quality moba on mobile devices and well recognized in the mobile gaming community. What Vainglory had to offer were the best graphics in the industry, a group of top tier developers from companies like Blizzard, and on top of everything a very fair monetization scheme - something of a novelty in mobile games, where shameless pay to win schemes are the norm.
Throughout 2015 to 2017 Vainglory saw incredible growth. Where mobas were almost nonexistent on mobile devices before, Vainglory blew up as it was frequently featured on the AppStore and was beloved by the players. It introduced lots of mobile gamers, who would otherwise never have played a moba, to the genre and created the moba genre for mobile devices. The players knew that SEMC were pouring their soul into forging a revolutionary game, which also stands in contrast to the utter greed which has established itself in mobile gaming. Fans paid for skins ingame not only because they loved the designs, but also because they genuinely wanted to support their developers. To this day, Vainglory is one of the all time fan favorites of mobile mobas.
Throughout 2015 and 2016 Vainglory had its golden age. But the tides were shifting. A storm was brewing and change was coming as a new competitor entered the scene…

LoL clones! LoL clones everywhere!
In late 2017, three years after Vainglory’s launch, with increasing momentum, a legion of fake LoL Mobas was emerging from dark corners of china. It’s demon leader was called Mobile Legends. To be exact: ‘Mobile Legends: Bang Bang’’. Let me explain how hundreds of LoL fakes successfully sprouted out of nowhere at that time: Vainglory was basically the option in the moba market when it came to mobile devices. But as more and more mobile gamers discovered mobas, they too wanted to be part of what a fully fledged Moba had to offer. They wanted more. And looking at what League of Legends, the most popular pc moba, had to offer, this meant a 5v5 map and gamemode, which Vainglory didn’t offer as it’s only 3v3. Not only that, but also these new Moba games used joystick controls compared to the tap controls Vainglory had to offer. Joystick controls were less precise but were far easier and more comfortable to use, and ultimately turned out to be the players favorite controls.
Besides a larger map and new control schemes, they also looked quite familiar to Riot Games League of Legends:
Map Comparison: LoL - Mobile Legends
The picture above shows League of Legends and Mobile Legends in direct comparison. Mobile Legends became popular, because LoL not available on mobile devices, and games like Mobile Legends openly copied, stole and plagiarised it’s map, champions and skins. It wasn’t even done in a disguised way: They used the similarities as their marketing. Here are some more comparisons juxtaposing the two games, try to look for similarities!
A playable character:
Champion Comparison: Garen
The Logo
Logo Comparison: LoL - Mobile Legends
Another ingame Screenshot:
Gameplay: LoL - Mobile Legends
A bigger 5v5 game mode, more comfortable controls and copying LoL for mobile devices meant that Mobile Legends & Co exploded in 2017 and the following weeks and months.
During that time, when Mobile Legends was soaking up players from everywhere, the beloved game which created mobas for mobile devices, Vainglory, lost more and more players as the devs failed to respond to the new 5v5 mobile moba market with a well made 5v5 mode in time.
With its success came big bucks for Mobile Legends developer MoonToon. But surely, a game with lower quality than the pc game which it's trying to mimic will certainly mean lower in-app prices for its skins, right? While it takes you 80 hours of grind to unlock one of a hundred champions, you can also pay around 10$. Skins are more complicated to obtain. While in mobas like Vainglory or LoL you can pay around 20$ for a legendary skin, which is the best you can get, in mobile legends legendary skins are obtained through spinning a magic wheel. The community roughly agrees that a legendary skin will set you back about 200$ each. Unlocking all champions without spending real money would cost you 8000 ingame hours actively playing the game. Even it’s own community and fans complain about unreasonably high prices and grind for ingame items, but their voices are drowned by the noise of the money machinery the ingame shop has become. Mobile Legends earned 116 Million$ in 2017, the first year of its growth and every single year after, their earnings increased even more.
With the former mobile moba champion Vainglory being defeated by Mobile Legends and the hordes of lol duplicates, there was no competition left. But of course these changes didn’t go unnoticed. Riot Games didn’t want to let copycats earn millions of dollars with rip offs of League of Legends for smartphones, so they wanted to end Mobile Legends.

A dark era for mobile mobas
In the same year as Mobile Legends release, in 2017, Riot Games found out what Moontoon was doing to its franchise on mobile devices and decided they had enough. They filed a lawsuit over 40 pages, demonstrating how Mobile Legends and other game developers stole their game. The lawsuit hit the Mobile Legends community with a bang: At the time, players were discussing if this meant the death of Mobile Legends, but it was also unclear how effective a lawsuit against a chinese company would be.
Time passed and no update was given, when one year later, in 2018, it was announced that Riot Games won the lawsuit and were awarded $2.9M. It was a huge victory and meant that Mobile Legends had finally received a charge for its plagiarism. And it looks like Mobile Legends will stop copying after losing in court against Riot Games, as their doings were declared illegal, right?
In the same year and throughout 2019 Mobile Legends grew in popularity and revenue as it pumped out and waves of new content. They changed up their strategy slightly, copying less obvious, but it was still clear to everyone which game they're mimicking. The truth is, even though they were hit with a $2.9M lawsuit, there still was no actual competitor in the market who could threaten Mobile Legends, it was still the number one mobile moba, with a revenue of now over 159M $. And with that, 80h playtimes for unlocking a champion, unbalanced gameplay and 200$ for a legendary skin continued to be the norm for gamers in mobile mobas. Mobile Legends took a hit from the lawsuit, but it was still going very well.
But while the sky of the mobile moba landscape was darkening by the months and Mobile Legends was continuing to grow its empire, in October of 2019, suddenly a sun flare peaked through the dark sky.

Wildrift vs Mobile Legends
In the middle of October 2019, Riot Games announced it’s new title: ‘League of Legends: Wildrift’ - short ‘Wildrift’. This was Riots answer to Mobile Legends, a verdict to the Mobile Legends misdeeds: Real League of Legends for mobile devices. Graphics comparable to its pc representative. Champions directly from League of Legends and all the great controls for mobile devices. It was League on mobile devices. To Mobile Legends players who were sick of the rough seas of unbalanced games it was a haven, for the tired eyes of dull graphics it was Jesus curing their blindness and for gamers whos wallets have been sucked empty it was a gold mine.
But how did Riots' new game set itself apart from the rest of the mobile moba games? First of all, Wildrift is the original. It is a direct representation of LoL made for mobile devices and therefore is the closest a mobile gamer will ever get to a fully fledged moba on his phone. Secondly the game looks great. It’s comparable to the pc version and lightyears ahead of what its competitors look like. And thirdly, Riot Games offers a very fair monetization scheme: Around 10$ for a skin, decent prices for champions and lots of free champion- and skin-chests, something which is completely unheard of in Mobile Legends. After Wildrifts announcement and during its open beta in mid 2020, as Riots new title was substantializing from a trailer to a real game, surely everybody would love the game, which seems objectively better in every aspect.

The Battle
Mobile Legends had a new competitor in the market. It was evident that Wildrift was holding better cards for the future, so after Wildrifts announcement Moontoon knew that they were on a ship that’s sinking. They decided to grab their weapons and take the offence onto Wildrift. Arguments on reddit broke out. They were not very productive. Gamers, mostly kids and teenagers, having arguments about the two games were not very practical and often took the form of calling each other idiots for liking one game more than another, and arguments started and ended with ‘fuck Wildrift’ or ‘fuck Mobile Legends’.
On the development side Moontoon was shifting course: The moment the closed beta for Wildrift started, all of a sudden Mobile Legends started giving away a few free skins to its players. Players noticed Moontoon doing things they would not have done for the community before.
The other day, rumors spread that Moontoon was actively review bombing Wildrift on the Google Playstore. This couldn’t be proven 100%, but weirdly enough, about one week after a reddit post pointed out the bad reviews, they disappeared again.
And this is the track we're on right now. Wildrift is opening its beta program in more and more countries around the globe, spending lots of money on advertising the game to players. It’s seeing very good reviews and looks at huge growth. Mobile Legends on the other hand sees its future going downhill. If Moontoon won’t introduce great changes to its game, it probably won’t last for a long time. It’s got a huge player base in South East Asia going for it, but they too are noticing Wildrift and its advantages and will try out the new game, so it’s just a matter of time until Moontoon has to act.

What lies ahead
Right now, Wildrift has to prove itself as the better game. Also we’ll have to see if Mobile Legends can retain its huge player base by updating Mobile Legends with appealing content. The mobile moba market is very lucrative, so you can expect both developers to clash for all customers. So with that, the game is on!
Additionally to this write-up, there will soon be a video on GenieYT YouTube about this story. This write-up is a pre-release script of an upcoming video. Check it out if you're interested!
Disclaimer: This is my first write-up, I tried to do my best. If you have suggestions regarding structure or language please let me know :)

submitted by Npoes to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

For anyone that has been banned unlawfully, read this.

I've played WZ since it came out, I have over 35 days game time (bad I know, but COVID and all that)
My KD has gone from 1.6 to 2 over about 6 months of grinding and I amounted to about 300 wins.
I've stuck with Warzone through all the BS stim glitchers/invisibility/people hiding in walls/aimbot/wall hacks
I was shadow banned for absolutely no reason, which then resulted in my account being permanent banned, no explanation, nothing.
My KD the week I got banned was 2.2 which is pretty low to my usual weekly KD of around 3-3.5.
Every single game the last month seemed to have some type of hacker and Activision does nothing, yet I am banned for no reason at all.
You may think I am making this up, but if you go to any of the forums you will see 100s of people reporting the exact same thing.
All Activision does when you appeal is links to the security policy:
Under this reasoning I believe every single one of us could get banned under the "Offensive Behavior" section, if Activation really cared about this then they wouldn't have included Death Comms.
Finally, I purchased a digital copy of the game which I am now unable to access to even play offline as it is linked to my battle net account, this is completely illegal..
Warzone is a free online game, whereas cold-war and MW can both be played offline. If you were banned on a console would they prevent you from playing the game?
I have appealed all of the money I have spent via PayPal and will be getting a refund due to PayPal protecting digital goods.
I advise you to do the same. The only way to make Activision listen is to impact the only thing they care about, money.
Hopefully, then Activision will then start providing reasoning and proof of why you were banned and implement and effective anti-cheat that will ban the real hackers, I also believe they should use community mods in games with the ability to instantly shadow ban obvious wall-hackers and aimbotters pending review of the footage from Activision staff.
EDIT - UPDATE: I received a full refund for all the games and in-game purchases I made, HA.
EDIT: A search on the Activision forum for the search term "banned for no reason" has 438 questions this month, this is just for that specific question excluding any other related questions: There is also a petition with 26k signatures: Are all of them hacking?
submitted by Glubbbb to modernwarfare [link] [comments]

Best and worst games I played in 2020

Here are my recommendations of games that I played for the first time in 2020. S-tier games that have become my all-time favourites made this list. 2020 was the year where I finally realised which games I actively want to play and it’s made my gaming experiences so much more entertaining.
Here are also some games to completely avoid with exaggerated opinions. These are some of the worst games I’ve ever played, ranging anywhere from confusingly irredeemable to malignant, insulting games that are only holding back video games as an entertainment and art form, and hate you for playing them.
I’ve listed some better games at the end of each review as much better alternatives with similar gameplay or style. Please vehemently disagree with me in the comments
Best: Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 2 has everything I want from an action game. The core gameplay of running around a police department, escaping fights with monsters and zombies while working out puzzles is Resident Evil’s thing, and Resident Evil 2 adds solid gunplay, meaningful weapon upgrades and rewarding items for putting in extra effort. I only missed one which required some backtracking near the end of the game, and realised that about 5 minutes after a point of no return. The Tyrant chasing you around adds a lot of flavour to the game, forcing you to adapt strategies and plans. Resident Evil 2 also has my personal distinction of being the only game I’ve ever finished twice back to back, finishing Leon and then Claire’s story in a week.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Take everything I said about Resident Evil 2, plus frightening horror that actually got to me at points, a better story, and a first person perspective that works incredibly well, and that’s what I have to say about Resident Evil 7. Absolutely the best in the series as it amplifies what makes the Resident Evil games so great while adding equally interesting new ideas. The Baker family’s grotesque transformations and gory boss fights are highlights, chainsawing an old man’s face and shotgunning a crazy old woman is the most fun I’ve had this year.
Bloodborne It’s between Bloodborne or Bioshock as my favourite game of all time. I fear that I could spend hours typing what fascinated me about this game, so I’ll save my collected thoughts for another post. Bloodborne’s world is captivating from beginning to end. It unravels as you gather insight on the desecrated city of Yharnam, learning about the Healing Church forsaking the city with its endless hunts. My character, a woman who has left her land after her family were slaughtered by the same beasthood that ravaged Yharnam, fit perfectly with the story, and even thematically mirrored a DLC character’s past. By the way, The Old Hunters DLC is the best DLC ever, no doubt. If you’re going to buy Bloodborne go with Game of the Year edition, it’s spectacular. Of course you don’t need the DLC to fully enjoy the game, but it adds an impressive amount of gameplay hours, new story that adds to the main story, the excellent Research Hall level, the most dramatic boss fight and a pizza cutter weapon. Bloodborne’s gameplay is equally as fascinating as the story, with a fast-paced almost fighting game style combat system, a nearly completely connected immersive world, expert level design, some of the best bosses in any video game, and terrifying difficulty. For many players, these may seem too much or ‘not for me’, (always disappointing to see people give up on the Souls games, but understandable given the lack of beginner friendliness), and I certainly felt the same way at first. When I learnt to persevere and actively focus on the game, quitting out whenever a mild inconvenience in real life happened, it became a joy to play. I had mastered and overcome a godly challenge. I’m pretty terrible at games generally, so I honestly feel proud that I managed to beat this game and the DLC. Bloodborne’s cathartic moments, its incredible story and the pure art of the game which can be captured in a screenshot, or the masterful soundtrack, are all why it’s likely my favourite game ever.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Overlooked is an understatement. Made by the director of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, this game is metroidvania almost perfected. Almost, as there’s some inconsistent game design towards the end with a specific puzzle, but that’s my only real criticism. It’s also a well deserved ‘fuck you’ to Konami, with a pachinko boss fight and David Hayter practically voicing Snake. Gameplay is excellent with intuitive dungeons, bonus areas, RPG-style weapon, skills and armour customisation, and some crushingly difficult bosses. If you want a rest from the main game, you can always return to the beginning town and complete quests - my favourite is making meals for a constantly hungry old woman, as you can later buy and use them for permanent stat boosts. Shamefully, I really liked dressing up Miriam, the main character anime girl. Messing around with her skin colour and unlocking hairstyles is worth the £20 alone. With free upcoming DLC, it’s a perfect patient gamer game.
Spec Ops: The Line Spec Ops: The Line is a perfect game. Many criticise the cover shooting, but it twists the generic mechanics into something amazing. In games such as Gears of War or Uncharted, taking cover is used to stop enemies shooting at you, reload, regen health, have a cup of tea or anything you can do while crouching. Spec Ops, however, puts you against relentless enemies who will suppress your fire when in cover and move to flank you, meaning you are forced to move and take damage, or work out a strategy with your teammates on the fly. It’s not deep strategy, but it really adds a new dimension to the game which sets it apart. The level design is excellent too, with plenty of memorable combat arenas like a decaying stadium, a destroyed luxury hotel, and an abandoned mall, which all go hand in hand with the story, which needs no introduction. Dubai has been wiped out by a sandstorm, and a rogue US army battalion led by your former leader and some civilians remain. Each level adds another piece to the PTSD puzzle, as you mow down hundreds of American soldiers who scream out in fear and panic as the game slow-motions their heads being destroyed by one of your bullets, while death rattles of wounded soldiers permeate the arena. Walker, voiced expertly by Nolan North, slowly changes over the course of the game as his honest, heroic decisions turn out to be, well, not very heroic. One of my favourite details in a video game is how his reload and command voice lines change the further you go into the game, as the weight of his task to rescue civilians and extract his mentor becomes unbearable. Even the main menu changes throughout the game, representing the entropy of the city. I haven’t tried the multiplayer as there’s no one online, but the fact it’s there makes me appreciate this game even more. Spec Ops: The Line is video games as a narrative experience exemplified perfectly.
Rayman Legends Incredible 2D platformer that removes many conventions (lives, starting a level over, time) and is better for it. Each level has depth with collectables that unlock new characters and levels, and side challenges. The highlight is the music stages, which remix songs to fit the world’s theme, and the platforming is based on rhythm. Disappointing to hear of Michel Ancel’s departure from Ubisoft, as that means we’ll likely never get a sequel. I sympathise with you, Beyond Good and Evil fans. Now if only Ubisoft executives could stop trying to mount every female in the workplace and work on another of these games (Seriously though, fuck Ubisoft for the sexual assaults and their PR coverups).
Mario Kart Wii I never owned a Wii as a child. It pained me to see all my friends play Wii Sports Resort and Super Mario, but one game in particular eluded me: Mario Kart Wii. The speed, the soundtrack, the plastic wheel you put over the Wiimote - I remember being captivated by it and wishing I could have a gaming experience like that in my own home. 12 years later, the Wii and Wii U have as much grasp on popular culture relevancy as Game of Thrones, which is the perfect time to buy an old console and a copy of this game. Mario Kart Wii is exactly as I remember. Coconut Mall, DK’s Snowboard Cross, battle mode, plus all the tracks my friends never unlocked make this one of my personal favourites. I debated putting it on this list as I’d find it hard to compare to a game like Bloodborne or Bioshock, but any game that creates the same childhood wonder in me is instantly going in my favourites list. Mario Kart Wii is fun racing with enough depth to get good at, and even more exciting playing it with friends. Especially when you’ve got a spiny shell.
Worst: Rise of the Tomb Raider Basically ‘ok’ can only last so long before becoming tedious. Rise of the Tomb Raider does nothing notable with its gameplay. Most egregious is the plot that’s basically stolen beat for beat from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Mountains, evil super-Russians, and annoying bullet sponge mythical enemies at the end (although they’re better than the bootleg Thanos’ you fight in U2, but basically anything is). Lara Croft is insufferable, she has no personality and grunts and shoots her way through every situation. Definitely the best of the worst list as I finished only this and Detroit but I really shouldn’t have wasted my time. Instead play Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Saints Row Mid-2000s 50 Cent and Soulja Boy era hip hop aesthetics were always cringe. Saints Row goes for that materialistic objectify all women attitude without much irony and actually takes itself seriously. The beginning is every angry teenage white boy’s dream of various women trying to sleep with you, surviving a gang attack and then being recruited to this gang because they noticed you’re such a chad. I’m surprised he didn’t also win a rap battle against Eminem. It’s trying to be Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with its satire and comedy, but it ends up being cringy rather than funny when you’re listening to the stereotypical camp gay guy shouting down the radio without any smart jokes or wordplay. The game also runs terribly, even on my original Xbox One. I’m really hoping the other games in this series are as good as everyone says, and this is only a false start. Instead play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare I imagine the pitch for this game was ‘Consumers didn’t like consuming the new Halo’s that they’ve consumed. Anyway, fellow executive, how will we make consumers consume another Call of Duty?’ ‘Let’s make the consumers consume Call of Duty while ripping off Halo down to the weapon and ship designs and promise a sci-fi experience with 2016 relevant celebrities and the usual passionless gameplay, and completely break the multiplayer with pay-to-win weapons. That way we can consume all of the disappointed Halo consumers’ money plus the yearly sycophants’ who’ll buy our games every year anyway. Wanna test our brand loyalty by releasing the worst trailer ever?’ Instead play Halo 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 malignant and represents the worst of ‘live service’ microtransaction lootbox fuelled games. Literally a pay to win £50 (70 USD) game with overpowered weapons only in lootboxes that Activision promised not to include, no campaign and another cringy comedy zombies mode. Fuck this game and fuck Activision. I hope the executives’ spoilt and probably racist children are happy with the money they’ve got from gambling addicts. Instead play Doom Eternal
Detroit: Become Human malignant and represents the worst of emotional story-driven artistic pretentious wank games. Horrible storytelling about racism and abuse, no interesting or likeable characters, nonsensical plot twists and unbelievably miserable forced drama. Obvious and rudimentary observations about complex and incredibly serious social issues are constant. It feels exploitative and contrived to see humans try to rape and murder the harmless androids when in the game’s own context it makes no sense. I’m really sick of seeing this stuff in games and films, the obvious contrivances like stabbing a pregnant woman in the Last of Us by accident, ‘Now you must hate her, audience!’ Terrible writing. If you don’t make the choices the game wants you to make you’re railroaded until you play the game ‘properly’, so your choices mean nothing. I chose not to rescue a character who explicitly hated me because I was an android, which locked me out of a good (relative) ending, because your choices affect a good ending/bad ending binary system. Not playing the game the way David Cage wants you to? Bad ending, though the ‘good’ endings are equally poorly written. While I did actually finish the game, it is absolutely NOT representative of how much I enjoyed it compared to the others on this list. I only stuck around to the ending because my friends constantly recommended it, and because of the praise from reviewers desperate to give any high profile game a positive review if it increases their chances of working for a game company. See this year’s Game Awards as perfect example. David Cage has no ideas that aren’t already from much better movies, the talentless misogynist. I’m pretty sure he ripped the narrative straight out of Humans, a 2015-2018 UK TV show from the few scenes I’ve seen from it. At least Kojima makes good games when he steals from movies, and dubiously sexualises women. Instead play Batman and Batman: The Enemy Within (and watch Seven, Memento, Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049)
Aliens: Colonial Marines it’s awful, but I’ll still take this over Black Ops 4 or The Division. Every level has basic and boring corridors with broken AI targets to shoot. I gave up after a broken stealth section. Pretty funny to watch, though. Instead play Doom
Knack memes aside, Knack sucks. Broken combat where every enemy is so vastly more powerful than you, no real combos in a beat ‘em up, strange Lego knockoff character designs. I can’t wait to play Knack 2 after I’ve finished literally every other game in existence Instead play Lego Marvel Super Heroes and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Dragon Ball Final Bout No idea why I played this, I don’t even like Dragon Ball. Anyway, it’s unplayable due to the abysmal controls Instead play Tekken 3
Wii Music Nintendo are pretty cool, but not free from making terrible games. Wii Music has no real gameplay. As soon as you put in the disc, you’ve won the game. Waving the Wiimote around without any rhythm or skill gets you through every song in the limited track list, which lacks any Killing in the Names or Through the Fire and the Flames(s). No fun at all, and especially disappointing from Nintendo. Instead play Tetris Effect: Connected
Tunnel B1 obscure mid-90s game. The colour brown. Best left forgotten. Instead play Star Wars Battlefront II
Tom Clancy’s The Division The Division proves that the gaming industry is often going backwards. It has less gameplay than Gears of War, another third-person cover shooter from 2006, released ten years before the Division. Even basic enemies are bullet sponges, meaning every encounter is hiding behind a chest high wall and waiting to unload 30 more rounds into them. The story is completely tone deaf and idiotic with a huge disconnect from the gameplay. If you’re a highly skilled operative why is one random thug so much more powerful than you? One of the most infuriating, lazy ways of designing combat, the anti-power trip. Life-wasting Ubisoft hollowness. At least I didn’t waste a weekend, as you can see all the game has to offer in about 4 hours. Instead play Spec Ops: The Line
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